𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐗

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My jaw dropped open as I watched the tall figure disappear behind the doors of the castle. I started to mutter and curse things under my breath before deciding to go look for him inside. I just couldn't understand why he was suddenly so upset over a simple question!

The doors were opened for me again by the guards and as soon as I walked in, I  hurried over to the throne room. Just as I turned the corner, however, I abruptly stopped in my tracks and jumped backed so I wouldn't walk straight into Liz.

"Oh hello dear, I was just coming to look for you actually," she said with a look of concern.

"Yes, I was on my way to find you too, your Majesty. Is it about Luke by any chance?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows and she was quick to nod.

"He was just in here and yelling at me for no reason! He was blaming me for something but I couldn't understand what he was talking about!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "Whatever is the matter with him?"

"I haven't a clue. I only asked about our union and he somehow got offended and said that you had something to do with it." I replied, noticing the bewildered look on her pale face. "Apparently you shouldn't have told me something?"

"But I don't-" she started, then stopped and blinked." Oh goodness, I must speak with him...Excuse me!" she suddenly pushed past me and made her way to the staircase but as I opened my mouth to protest, she had already disappeared. 

I let out a sigh as I turned around and I headed in the opposite direction, already deep in thought. Surely Luke was hiding something? Something that I didn't want to find out about?

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Louise then appeared beside me, buzzing with excitement. "You must come see this portrait that I just finished painting!" she said, grabbing my arm but then she frowned. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" 

"I'm not sure, to be honest," I mumbled so she linked her arm with mine and nodded at me with a reassuring smile. "It's about Luke."


"I just don't understand! Did you find out what was wrong with him?" Louise scoffed, aggressively flicking her hair back and I replied with a shrug. 

After a surprisingly long and detailed explanation of what happened, Louise and I were now even more confused. We did try to work out between us what Luke might have been hiding but nothing seemed to add up. Even Liz thought Luke was acting odd but I decided it was best to leave it to them and just hope that they could sort it all out.

"No, but whatever it was, I do hope he forgets it! It was only a question which I deserve an answer to!" I exclaimed as we stepped into the kitchens. "Do you think I should ask him what it was all about? Or will I just make matters worse?" I lowered my voice slightly as we walked around the deliciously smelling kitchens whilst dodging all the cooks and maids.

"It's not your fault to start with but I would let them deal with it. Maybe it's a family matter and at the moment, that doesn't concern you. However, if does he cares enough he should apologise for storming off like that for no reason." she answered, picking up a green apple from a basket and she carefully wiped it on her dress before handing it to me.

"Yes, I suppose you're right." I breathed, now watching her do the same again but unfortunately for us, we were both unaware of the prying eyes watching us both and listening to every word we were saying.


I hadn't seen Luke again for the rest of the morning so I had assumed that he had locked himself in his room and kept well away from everyone. The only place I had seen him was at dinner and that was a very strange atmosphere. Queen Liz seemed to be in a funny mood just like her son and they were both fairly quiet and only spoke when they were spoken to. Apart from feeling uncomfortable, I didn't know what else I could do. 

The sun was now setting and we had just finished eating dinner. Luke was the first to excuse himself and then Liz so I suspected that he was still in a bad mood. It was quite surprising to find that this was bothering me so much. I think, however, I felt for Liz.

I left the dining hall in silence and started for my chambers, where Louise and the girls were waiting for me. Just then, I heard familiar voices from one of the rooms, which matched Ashtons, Calums and Michaels and I wondered if that's where Luke might have hurried off to. I sighed as I stepped closer to knock on the wooden door and as I heard heavy footsteps, I crossed my hands at my front.

"Ye-Oh, your Grace," Calum answered, a smile forming on his lips and I returned it. "Can I help you with anything?" he asked, as I looked over his shoulder to see Ashton stumbling over with a half-empty bottle in his hand.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise." he leaned on Calum who was quick to push him away with a disgusted look. "I presume you're here for my wonderful company, yes?" he slurred which managed to make me laugh. 

"Unfortunately for you, no," I said, causing him to smirk.

"Well, if you're looking for Luke, he's in here." he pointed behind him as he brought the bottle to his lips to finish it off but I cocked a brow as Calum nudged his side.

"I was but it doesn't matter now," I said, pursing my lips together and feeling quite discouraged. "Calum, may I have a word?" I then asked, causing him to perk his head up and he nodded. "You probably know what I'm going to ask." 

"Well yes, but its not exactly my place to say anything." he sighed as we started to walk down the corridor. "Luke has been in a bad mood all day and he's taking his frustration out on everyone at this point."

"I understand and I presume that he has told you what happened but I would just like to know why he snapped at myself and his mother. We were alright seconds before that."

"I apologise but I can not say. That is something Luke must tell you himself," he said and I snapped my head up at him curiously. "But believe me, your Grace, he regrets behaving like that around you. He told me that as soon as he walked in."

"Then why doesn't he just come and tell me that? I'm not upset about it, I'm just surprised." I laughed dryly yet his response was just a simple shrug.

"I think he's just shy. Luke tends to be like that at the most inconvenient times." he laughed. "But he will come around, don't worry. I'll have a word with him now and I'll try to convince him to talk to you," he said as we came to a stop.

"Thank you, Calum," I said with a small smile and once he bowed, he excused himself and went back over to Ashton who was now leaning on the doorway. 

I continued down the quiet corridor and made my way up to my chambers whilst trying to forget whatever was troubling me for the time being. I took Calum's word for it and I would just have to be patient with Luke and see what was going to happen between us next. 

"I'm starting to believe that men are the most complicated creatures ever!" I said as I burst into the room to see all three girls crowded around my dressing table. "I can even understand Shadow better than Luke!" I huffed as I shut the door and pressed my back against it.

"You didn't have any luck with speaking to him then?" Louise asked, raising her head.

"No, and I don't think we'll be on speaking terms for a while," I said, dragging myself over to them. "What are you doing anyway?"

"Your mother sent us all some jewellery!" Mari gasped, holding up a heavily jewelled necklace. "Just imagine how many men I'll be able to talk to by wearing this!" she squealed, causing Louise and I to roll our eyes at each other.

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