𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗

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Two weeks after Luke stopped talking to me, I had to say not much had changed. He kept his distance from myself and only glares and strange looks were exchanged between us. It became an uncomfortable atmosphere, unfortunately, even for his mother.

Liz was quite reluctant to tell me what was going on and she kept on insisting that Luke would have to tell me himself. I knew she felt for me but all I wanted was answers...

On the other hand, I surprisingly befriended Ashton, Michael and Calum who seem to have noticed the way Luke was behaving and I had to appreciate the fact that they wanted to keep me company. Not to mention, we got on extremely well..

"I used to fancy her you know." Michael laughed dryly, sweeping his blonde fringe back and I spun around on my heel, my eyebrows furrowed. "Nicole. When she first moved to the castle I couldn't help but take an interest in her."

"Oh, I remember that! Then as soon as you found out she was in a relationship with Ben, you forgot about her." Calum brought his hand to his mouth to cover his snicker, whilst following my movements around the room with his eyes.

"Well, obviously." Michael scoffed. "I wasn't going to risk ruining my reputation for her with Ben around."

"And what did Luke think about you fancying his brother's fiancee?" I asked as I skipped over to my wardrobe.

Today was the day Prince Ben and Duchess Nicole would be returning from their honeymoon. The King wanted to properly welcome them back so he arranged for all royals and nobles to greet them once they arrived. I had also chosen to wear a simple, yet elegant lilac dress. Heavy silver jewellery hung around my neck and ears and a pearled crown was propped up on my head.

"I don't think he ever noticed. Sometimes Luke is as blind as a bat." he chuckled which made me laugh.

"I think we should go down now. I can hear trumpets playing." I heard Ashton say as he leaned on the window sill and looked outside. "I can see Luke down there too," he mumbled coming over and stopping beside me, causing me to frown.

"Alright, let's go then." Calum jumped up and pulled down his red jacket as Ashton politely held his muscular arm out so I linked mine with it and we walked out of my chambers.

The grounds outside were crowded, with people impatiently waiting under the oak trees for the arriving carriage and trying to keep out of the hot sun rays. I could see King Andrew's and Queen Liz's crowned figures standing at the very front, as well as the two curly-haired Princes standing behind them.

"You ought to go stand with them," Ashton said as we reached the trees. "I presume the Queen will have organised tea for you all after... She normally does."

"I've noticed." I laughed as I heard trumpets again so I gave the men a nod before I made my way through the people until I was just behind Queen Liz who turned and smiled warmly. A brown carriage then came into view, pulled by two white horses and everyone stuck their head out to watch as it pulled up in front of the path.

The driver quickly jumped down to open the door and a few seconds later Ben appeared and widely grinned around at us all. Liz brought her hands together, beaming all over whilst he helped Nicole out of the carriage and she smiled shyly, her eyes on the ground.

We all watched in silence as they headed over to the King and Queen to exchange a few welcoming words and Andrew motioned them to follow them up the path towards the castle. The rest of the nobles started to follow them, whispering and gossiping to each other but just as I was about to join them, I heard that dreadful voice.

"Do my friends have nothing better to do than chase you around all day like little dogs?" Luke chuckled, causing me to raise my head to see him looking down at me, a knot already forming in my stomach by just his piercing gaze.

"At least they enjoy my company, your Highness." I hissed, turning back ahead.

"Your Grace-" he started but paused when someone walked past us. "Believe me, I enjoy your company just as much as they do-"

"Then why haven't you been talking to me for the past fourteen days?" I gritted my teeth in attempt to try and contain my rising temper.

"Because." he started, his voice trailing off. "I have my reasons...I can't tell you just yet." he muttered, furiously rubbing the side of his neck.

"Well, if that will be all, I'll see you inside then." I simply replied, knowing that if I was to argue, we would fall out again. Now that Ben was back, I did not want to be put in a bad mood to spoil it all.

His face fell as he saw how uneasy I looked so he gave me a slow nod and leaned on the tree, letting out a sigh just loud enough for me to hear.


"Nicole dear, do tell us about your honeymoon. I want to know everything!" Liz exclaimed as she set her goblet down and we all turned our heads towards the silent brunette.

We were now all sitting in the dining hall, enjoying the delicious tea and treats Liz had prepared herself. Unfortunately, Luke had chosen to sit just opposite me and I did my best to try and keep my gaze off him, not wanting to be reminded of our previous conversation.

"Oh, it was lovely! We visited all these different kingdoms and it was a great experience!" Nicole replied cheerfully, looking around at us all and I smiled politely. "I had never been outside Cadeiric before and I have to say, I was very much impressed with your realm, your Grace." her gaze turned to me, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"You are too kind, but I thank you." I bowed my head with a smile, feeling Lukes gaze on me.

"We also stopped by in the village and the people were speaking very highly of you so after we had a look around, I could see why." Ben leaned on the table with his elbows, looking over at his wife.

"Yes, Queen Sophia has made Ocerallia into one of most powerful realms out there-"

"If it was indeed powerful then Keit wouldn't be threatening to attack." Luke suddenly mumbled, cutting his father short and silence quickly fell upon the table as I jerked my head towards him.

"I beg your pardon?" I scoffed, cocking a brow as he stared back at me with a blank expression."What do you mean by that, may I ask?"

"I'm only pointing out that Ocerallia will be doing better with your absence. Everyone, even you know that." Luke snapped and my jaw almost dropped.

"Luke! What is wrong with you today?" Liz cried out, glaring at her son who who was quick to glare. I could sense that everyone around was feeling very uneasy, and they were all looking between Luke and me with confusion. Even I didn't understand why he had suddenly come out with that.

Liz was looking at her son with the most disturbed expression but the emotion in the look that Luke was giving her was very unclear.

"Correct me if I'm wrong your Highness, but weren't you only telling me a few days ago that I should take great pride in what I have done for my kingdom and my people?" I questioned, refusing to break eye contact and I heard Jack and Ben snicker between themselves as Luke blinked at me, surprised from my response. "Well?"

"Yes but that is not the point. If my mo-"

"Please, stop it you two." Liz suddenly cut in, looking between Luke and I. "You can settle this once I have a word with you first Luke," she added, making Jack and Ben act up again and Luke simply leaned back in his chair, his blue eyes glued on the plate in from of him.

I looked over at Liz who had put down her fork and was sitting up straight in her chair, fiddling with her fingers in her lap. She watched Luke with an almost agitated expression which did make we wonder.

Although she did put a stop to our little argument, her behaviour was also quite odd. It somehow affected Luke and not in a good way either. What was going on between them? Was Liz involved in something?

Deep down I felt that there was something going on that I didn't know about and I wouldn't find out for a while. I had a few ideas in my head on what it could be but there was a few things that still didn't add up.

I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Hey! Here's chapter 10! Hope you liked it!

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