What are you guys doing here?

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Rylee PoV

I wake up to someone stroking my back. I open my eyes and turn round to face my gorgeous girlfriend. She smiles at me and pulls me into a kiss. After we pull away lauren gets out of bed only in her underwear and bra. I stare at her in aw , making her giggle and pull me out of bed. I pull some sweats on and pass some to lauren. I open my mouth to say good morning but get stopped by a knock on the door. I huff and run downstairs to answer the door.

As I open the door , I am greeted by khole, Kylie and Kendall. Kendall looks a bit confused and suspicious. Kylie is smirking and khole is just smiling.

Me - hi .... what you guys doing here?

Kylie - we are worried about you , you haven't spoke to us in 5 days

I let them in as I sigh. I go to open my mouth but get stopped by my girlfriends voice.

Lauren - baby , I gonna have a shower , you coming?

I turn round to see lauren wearing the sweats and her bra. Lauren looks at me then behind me and blushes.

Lauren - sorry , I  didn't know we had guests

I smile as my aunts smirk at me. I motion for my aunts to sit down on the couch. I tell them that 'I will be right back'. I run upstairs and enter the bedroom where lauren was putting a hoodie on. She passes me one as well.

Me - baby , if they ask about your job what you gonna say?

Lauren - I will say I am a ........accountant

Me - really, an accountant?

Lauren - what I am good at maths?

Me - weren't you the girl who calculated how many episodes and hours she watched of tv yesterday?

Lauren - hey I was bored , you fell asleep

I giggle and pull her into a kiss. When we pull away , we walk downstairs. As we walk into the living room , my aunty's stand up. I look at Kendall's confused face and I look at Khole suspiciously.

Khole - nice to see you again lauren

Lauren - lovely to see you too

Kylie - it is good to meet you in person

Kendall - can some tell me who this is?

Khole - Kendall are you slow? This is rylee's girlfriend, Lauren

Kendall looks shocked but also happy for me.

Kendall - wow , nice to meet you

Lauren - nice to meet you too.

Me - you guys sit down , umm do you guys want anything to drink ?

Lauren - yeh ,we have water , coffee , tea and juice?

Khole - I will have water

Kylie - no thank you

Kendall - I will have water as well.

Lauren and I walk into the kitchen. I get the bottles of water as lauren gets us some cereal bars.

Me - baby , if they ask how old you are say you are 20

Lauren - wow do I look 4 years younger to everyone?

Me - you look like a beautiful sexy 18 year old

Lauren giggles and pulls me into a kiss. We pull away and walk into the living room. I pass the bottles of water to Kendall and Khole as we sit down facing them. I sit back as lauren falls into my arms.

Khole - we wanna talk to u both

Kylie - how long have you guys been together?

Me - a month and a week

Kendall- where did you guys meet?

I look at lauren and she answers.

Lauren - well , I walking home from work and we just bumped into each other and ye

Kylie - Lauren how old are you?

Lauren - I am 20

As she says that looks at me for a quick second.

Khole - what do you work as?

Me - an accountant

They give up on mine and Lauren's relationships and start talk about my mother.

Kylie - have you talked to your mom?

Me - nope and I  don't wanna

Khole - you can't avoid her forever

Me - and I  won't I just need some space. Plus she hasn't texted or tried to call me since I came out.

Kendall - okay whatever you wish?

Kylie - what you doing for tonight?

Lauren - we are having a small party , where Rylee is gonna meet my friends

Me - yep , I  can't wait

Kendall - so your not gonna come tonight then?

Me - why want you doing tonight?

Khole - you know going to grandmas and having fireworks?

Me - no , I am sorry but I want to spend the first second of New Years with my girl and not with my mom.

They nod understandably.

Me - do you guys know what time it is?

Kylie - it is 4pm

Me - shit , we slept late

We all laugh. My aunts stand up.

Khole - we are gonna go now

Lauren stands up and pulls me up.

Me - okay thanks for coming and checking up on me I guess

They all give me a hug.

Lauren - it was nice meeting you guys

Kylie - you too

Kendall - and look after my niece

Kylie - and don't hurt her

Lauren - of course I will and would never hurt her , I love her too much

She kisses my head as my aunts aww at lauren and I. I walk them to the door and say goodbye. As i close the door, lauren pushes me against it. She puts her hand next to my head pulls me into a deep kiss. I smile into the kiss and kiss her back. She jumps on my body and wraps her long smooth legs around my waist. I hold on to her and walk her upstairs. We walk into the bathroom. I put her onto the bathroom counter top.

Me - so about that shower?

She giggles and nods , pulling  me into another kiss.

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