Ms. Jauregui

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Rylee PoV

I just arrived to school on time this morning because I stop of to get some food from Mac Donald's. I am now walking to last period. I have an extra period because I am failing history. Cassie and Callie don't have it because they are smart af. It is 4:30. I walk into the class , the room is almost empty , there is only one other person here , the teacher.

I sit down at one of the front desk , so I can see the board as I am short sited. The teacher turns round and smile at me. Her green piercing eyes are staring down at me with that beautiful smile. My eyes trail down her body , her curves as beautiful and her ass. Her ass is so gorgeous and round. I bite my lip.

My staring gets interrupted by a cough

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My staring gets interrupted by a cough. I look up at her beautiful face as she is smirking at me. I look down blushing. 'My name is ms. Jauregui and you are..'

Me - I am Rylee Kardashian

I look round seeing that I am the only one

Me - am I the only one?

Ms. Jauregui - umm yes , your the only one who is failing in history

Me - oh great

Ms . Jauregui- what's wrong , do you not want me as a teacher?

Me - oh no , I don't mind you as my teacher... not at all

She smirks and starts to teacher me about English civil war. After an hour ,we finish up. I begin to pack up my stuff but a hand stops me. Ms. Jauregui's hand stops me. I look up and see her smiling at me.

Ms. Jauregui- you did really good today.

Me - thanks ms. Jauregui

I go to walk out but I get pulled by my wrist . Ms. Jauregui puts her lips near my ear

Ms. Jauregui- and it is Lauren ..... oh and here is my number ....if you need any 'help' on the work

I shiver and nod , making her smirk and lets me go. I walk out of the class and head home. I was gonna go to Cassie and Callie's house but they told me before they had a family meal so I couldn't go.

I arrive at my house ,it is now almost six. I walk in and get attack with all of my little cousins. I laugh and start to tickle them all. I pick up true and Chicago and walk into the living room to be met by all of my family to a surprise.

Kourtney Kardashian's oldest daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora