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Rylee PoV

Hi , my names Rylee as you already know. Umm ... I don't really know what to say. Well I have two best friends Cassie and Morgan. I am the oldest out of my siblings. I am 17 , mason is 10 , Penelope is 8 and reign is 5. What else ...umm... oh also i am gay but no one knows expect Cassie and Cal.

They found out I was gay when they caught me making out with Alessia in the closet at Brandon's party last year. I was really nervous at first but they were cool with it. Alessia moved away three months after that but we decided to be friends. I have always been a stem. I can dress masculine but also feminine. I mostly dress feminine when I am around my family and a bit at school but when I am with my friends I dress masculine.

Anyway enough about me. It is 8 am on a Friday morning. My school doesn't start for another two hours, weird right. I start school at 10 and finish at 5 ish or 4 , it depends on the day because of basketball practice. I put on some basketball short and a nike sports bra. I walk downstairs as I put my hair in a high ponytail. As I wonder into the kitchen I see Penelope and mason fighting over the last piece of toast and reign falling asleep in his cereal.

I chuckle and walk over to reign and lift his head up. He jumps in shock but relaxes when he sees me. He goes back to eating his food. I then get the toast that they were fighting about and split it in half and smirk at them. They reply with a quiet 'thanks and I am sorry'. I look around for mom but I can't find her.

Me - guys where's mommy?

Mason - she is outside with aunty koko and Kimmy

I nod and walk outside to be met by my aunts and mother's faces staring at me. And the cameras were there shooting.

Me - morning

Mom- morning, did you sleep good?

Me - umm ye , did reign sleep okay , he almost fell asleep in his cereal?

Mom- no he peed the bed so he was up all night

I nod and smile and my aunts and mother.

Me - well , I am gonna go shoot some hoops

They nod and go back to there conversation. I walk over to the basketball court and began practicing. After about 20 minutes, I hear my phone go off. It was Cassie.

Cassie Me


Hi what you up to?

Just practicing, wanna join?

Ye Callie and I will be there in like 5 minutes

Bring your stuff for school and come in training clothes

Okay , I know the drill bye


By the way , Cassie and Callie are twins.

After 5 minutes, they show up wearing similar clothes as me . They run and tackle me to the ground. We burst out into giggles. After a minute of chatting about our homework or want not we start to play.

 After a minute of chatting about our homework or want not we start to play

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This is Cassie and Callie

Kourtney Kardashian's oldest daughterWhere stories live. Discover now