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No one PoV

Rylee looked at her mom. Her jaw was wide open. She slowly turned round and saw all of her aunty's and uncles and Scott. Kylie and khole were shock but proud of her with smiles on her face. Kendall and Kim stood there in shock . Her grandma looked just like kourtney , jaw wide open. Kanye , Tristan and travis just smiled at her.

Rylee violently shook her head and ran. She ran past her family , ignoring their protest for her to stay. She ran out the front door, leaving her shocked family behind. Once she reached outside she sit down on the bench near the door. And breaks down in sobs.

She pulls her phone out and shakily takes her phone out of her pocket . She presses Lauren's contact and calls her. After a couple of rings Lauren answers.

Lauren Rylee

Hey baby !


Baby , is everything okay ? What's happened?

I to-told h-her

You told who what babe!?

T-that I a am g-gay , m-my m-om

Oh my do you feel ? Are you okay? How did she react?

Relieved , n-nervous. I am o-kay and I d-don't k-now

What do you mean ?

I r-an as so-on as I s-aid . M-my wh-ole f-amily- h-eard

Baby , I am so proud of you. You are so brave. You are amazing. I am gonna get flight home for tomorrow baby.

B-ut what a-bout your f-amily?

You too important to me.

I love y-ou so much

I love you too baby. You can stay at mine tonight , put on one of my hoodies that smell like me , until you see me tomorrow.The spare key is under the pot.

Thank yo-u

Now please wipe your beautiful eyes. You are so brave. I am so so proud of you. If you get scared hold on to the necklace and remember I am right there. Bye baby , I will see you tomorrow.

With that Lauren hung up trying to find the quickest flight to get to her girl. Rylee stayed sat on the bench , wiping her tears that kept falling. She looks up at the door as she hears it open. It was Khole with true in her arms with a sympathetic smile on her face. She sits down next to Rylee put her arm around her shoulder.

Khole - Rylee Emilia Kardashian you are so brave ! Your mom is still stood there in shock , I would give it a couple of days to talk to her . I think she feels guilty. Did you see kris's face , I just wanted to throw food in her mouth?

Rylee giggles and holds onto the necklace. She shakes her head and looks at Khole.

Khole - do want me to take you home?

Rylee - yes but not to Kendall's.

Khole - then where?

Rylee - I will just give you the directions

Khole - okay , i will call Kim to get everyone to say goodbye

Rylee nods her heads and wait for them to come out. Kendall , Kim , and Kylie come out with the same smile as Khole did. They all hug Rylee tightly.

Kim- I am so proud of you

Kylie - same Ry

Kendall - see you back at the house

Kourtney Kardashian's oldest daughterWhere stories live. Discover now