"Where do we go now?"

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October 12th, 6:24amKirk's house

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October 12th, 6:24am
Kirk's house

Chapter 20: "Where do we go now?"

Slowly gaining consciousness by a shuffling sound from just outside, which I assume is an animal, I flicker open my eyes.

Immediately, I forget about the sound. The first thing I see when I open my eyes is Kirk. Or more specifically, his neck.

I close my eyes again to take everything in. The way his arms feel loosely wrapped around me, the warmth from being close to him, his breath hitting my forehead, and the smell of his neck. It's all very comforting.

I am practically on top of him so I try moving off slowly, while trying my best to not wake him up. Just as I start moving, I feel his arms gently tighten around me, pulling me back onto him. He lets out a soft sigh and presses his cheek against my head then starts snoring very very quietly.

I can't help but smile and I press myself even closer to him.

I almost have a heart attack when I hear someone knocking on the window and quietly yelling, "Hey Kirk! Get up we want to go to-"

Kirk is now awake but both of us are frozen in place. It's Lars, I can tell immediately by the accent, and by the sound of it James and Cliff are here too.

"Ooooooo what do we have here?" Lars mocks while he snickers.

I lift my head and look at Kirk, both of us are panicking on the inside. We aren't exactly in the most innocent looking position.

"Guys...nothing happened," I say slowly, not even having the nerves to turn around and face them through the window. I just keep looking at Kirk who is looking back at me, blushing.

"Pfft yeah right," Lars says, "Anyways, we came to ask Kirk to come out with us but this is a lot more entertaining, don't you think?"

Lars lets himself in by opening the window and climbing through, James and Cliff follow him into the room.

"Boundaries, guys, have you ever of them?" Kirk asks, rhetorically. His arms are still wrapped around me without him realizing it.

"What happened here last night?" James asks and winks at us.

"Nothing, really," Kirk tries to convince them.

"Then why are you two sleeping like that if you weren't banging?" Lars asks bluntly, he is confused even though he doesn't believe Kirk.

Kirk Hammett: A highschool metal love storyWhere stories live. Discover now