Do I just get that way when I'm high??

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October 11th, 6:03pmKirk's house

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October 11th, 6:03pm
Kirk's house

Chapter 18: Do I just get that way when I'm high??

All of the thoughts swirling through my head are broken off by Chefela walking through the door and announcing that dinner is ready. I don't think she noticed what she walked into because she leaves immediately after with a smile still on her face.

Kirk is just sitting there with a smile on his face while I internally panic.

"I- I don't know what to say," I let out in shock.

Where the hell did I get that confidence from?? Do I just get that way when I'm high??

He seems happy about the kiss which makes me happy. I can't be sure though, I mean maybe he's just trying to let me down nicely. I have no idea what to do in this situation.

"Me neither," he laughs while still blushing. He fiddles with his hands, but instead of hiding his face behind his hair, he seems confident yet shy.

I collect myself and start getting up, reaching my hand out to help him get up as well, "Let's talk about this after dinner, ok?"

"Sounds like a plan," Kirk takes my hand and lets me help him up.

It doesn't feel awkward but it doesn't feel completely normal either, it's a weird feeling to have.

We walk to the door and he opens it for me, as usual. As we walk through the hallway, we can hear Regan and Tracy laughing from inside her room. I laugh to myself quietly as we continue to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Chefela is carefully arranging bowls onto the table. We walk in and she stops, deeming everything perfect. She backs up from the table and admires her plate setting work which I have to admit was very nice.

I should have expected it by now but she surprises me when she pulls me into a hug once again, which is her trademark at this point. After she lets go of me, it's Kirk's turn.

"Mom, why now?" he asks quietly in an embarrassed tone as he tries to get her off of him.

Chefela hits his shoulder with the rag she was holding causing him to flinch and back away, "Because I want to!" she says and then laughs.

Kirk looks over at me as I laugh, he gives me a look of disappointment and slowly shakes his head, in a joking manner of course.

I roll my eyes and take my seat at the table, Kirk sits next to me.

Before any of us can say anything else, Regan and Tracy run into the kitchen laughing their heads off.

Kirk Hammett: A highschool metal love storyWhere stories live. Discover now