"Hey, you still up?"

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September 30th 11:57pmWednesday's bedroom

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September 30th 11:57pm
Wednesday's bedroom

Chapter 5: "Hey, you still up?"

It's almost midnight and here I am in my dark room with the only light coming from my bedside lamp. I have been reading since I came home, so about 7 hours give or take.

"Holy crap, this is a great book" I whisper to myself. I have probably said that 16 times today, it doesn't matter though because that statement remains correct every time.

I am a slow reader though, I'm only on page 278. I'll probably be up for a few more hours reading , I must know what happens.

"For a moment his rage was so great that he literally could not speak. The blood beat loudly in his ears. It was like-" I read to myself. What is Jack going to do??

I want to know so badly and I want to know now. I put the book face down on my bed so that it is still open on the page I left off.

I grab my Nokia from the bedside table and start typing.

"Hey, you still up?

Once again, Kirk texts back almost immediately. "Yeah, how about you?"

"What do you mean? I'm texting you so yeah I'm still awake hahah."

"Oh yeah hahah. What's up?"

"So I've been reading for like seven hours and I need to know what happens." I type as quickly I can hoping that I don't misspell anything.

"No way! I'm not telling you anything. The book is too good for that."

"Pleeeeasee. Just tell me if they die."

"No no no, you need to read and find out!" Kirk replies.

"Fine but I have a few questions. Can I call you?"

"Of course you can."

I press a few buttons and the phone starts ringing. Not even even one full ring passes before Kirk answers.

"7 hours?? How can you read for that long. I mean, I love reading as much as the next person but 7 hours is a bit much isn't it?" is the first thing Kirk says when he answers.

"I don't usually read for this long but I need to know what happens!" I say. I have to speak quietly so I don't wake anybody up.

"Didn't you say that you have a few questions?" Kirk asks. He laughs quietly into the phone.

My room is dark, the light from the lamp has a golden hue to it. The world was quiet and Kirk's laugh shot through that quiet.

"Um, yeah, yeah I do, " I say shaking my head a little bit, "so that part about Jack's dad, it's random right? It doesn't really fit in."

"I thought the same thing!" he says, "So who's your favorite character so far?"

The conversation strays from The Shining to talking about older universal horror movies, which we are both fascinated by. We get into a heated argument over who would win in a fight between Dracula and Wolfman.

"Dracula would totally kick Wolfman's ass!" I say.

"But if you think about it- Oh man, it's 2:04am" Kirk says.

"No way. Ugh, school's gonna be hell tomorrow."

"I'll probably be sleeping through the first few classes" he says while letting out a yawn.

"Same here...hey, how do you feel about not going to school tomorrow and meeting up earlier?" I suggest.

"I've never ditched school before."

"Neither have I. We don't have to, I mean it was just an id-" I say shyly before getting interrupted.

"No no, I'd love to. We get to spend more time together that way."

I start blushing again and I have a feeling that he is also blushing.

"Great! How does 9am sound?" I ask.

"Early but that works."

"Sorry, I'm just excited to talk about the book more." I laugh.

"It's fine, early is better, just means I get to see you sooner." he says.

My face must be as red as a tomato right now. Kirk must be really tired to be saying things like this. I don't mind it though, it's making me really happy and I don't know why. I've known Kirk for what, 2 days? It feels like we've known each other for a while though.

"You must be reeeeally tired Kirk." I laugh even more.

"I've never felt more awake." he says while yawning and then starts to laugh with me. "Tell you what. As soon as you finish reading the book, we'll watch the movie together."

"There's a movie?!" I gasp.

"Goodnight Wednesday. I really enjoyed our talk"

"Goodnight Kirk. Me too"

I bring the phone down from my ear and end the call. Looking to the left I see my alarm clock. Reluctantly, I grab it and set it to 8:30am.

I snuggle up under the covers and off to dreamland I go. Tomorrow's going to be fun.

Author's note:
Sorry that this chapter is a little short but it's still really cute. The next chapter is going to be a longer one. Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments, I really appreciate them💕💕

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