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October 12th, 6:38amOur 'spot'

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October 12th, 6:38am
Our 'spot'

Chapter 21: "Boo!"

As we run, not even the cool wind going against us can stop the small beads of sweat from forming on our foreheads. We laugh as we run up the hill, racing to see who will reach there first.

After our sly escape from Kirk's bedroom, and the embarrassment we faced after the guys 'walked in on us' even though we really were just sleeping, we couldn't think of anywhere to go. My first thought was to go get breakfast or to go to the record store but Kirk had a far better idea.

Kirk starts to take the lead in our so called race but I am determined to win. Edging closer to the invisible finish line, Kirk stops.

I reach the finish line first and hold on to my knees panting before looking over my shoulder, "Tired Hammett?"

He is holding his phone in his hand while it rings, "Shit, it's Lars."

Kirk answers the phone as I walk back towards him. I stand next to him and whisper, "Put it on speakerphone."

"Where the fock did you two go?"

Kirk smiles and speaks into the phone, "What do you mean? We're in the kitchen."

"What? We were just in there, Mom made up breakfast."

I accidentally laugh and quickly cover my mouth with my hand but Lars heard me.

"Wednesday, is that you?"

"No that was me," Kirk says while still smiling.

"Ohh I get it, you two wanted to be alone together after last night. I get it."

"Nothing happened last night!" I say.

"I knew it! It's ok Wednesday, you don't have to hide your relationship from me," Lars snickers.

"Shut up, we'll be home later," Kirk says and hangs up.

He rolls his eyes and puts his Nokia back in his back pocket.

"Well, I won so you owe me ice cream now," I say smiling with my hands behind my back.

"Fine, we can get ice cream on our way back," he says and pulls one corner of his lips into a smile.


We continue walking up the hill, not really talking too much on our way up. As we pass the tree that was split down the middle years ago during a storm, we know that we are very close.

Kirk Hammett: A highschool metal love storyWhere stories live. Discover now