"So...are you and Kirk a thing now?"

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October 7th, 2:47pmSan Francisco International High School

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October 7th, 2:47pm
San Francisco International High School

Chapter 16: "So...are you and Kirk a thing now?"

Every lesson that Amber and I have had together today turned into detailed interrogations about Kirk. She didn't even leave me alone during lunch and it didn't help much with my headache.

I guess it's nice to have a friend like her but sometimes she can get a little overwhelming if I even walk near a guy.

By the last lesson, Amber had managed to make me confess that I like Kirk. I don't even know how she got that information out of me.

Of course, Amber wanted to meet Kirk again so she's waiting with me until Kirk comes to pick me up.

Even though I've been thinking about it all day, I can't seem to figure out what exactly happened last night. Kirk said that he doesn't remember much either so I guess we'll never know.

My suffering is finally ended when Kirk pulls up in front of the school, breaking Amber's chain of questions.

"Finally," I whisper under my breath and get up from the bench we're sitting on. Amber follows me to the car to get a better look at Kirk.

I pull open the car door and get in, leaving the door open so that Amber can say hi.

"Thanks for picking me up," I say to Kirk while putting on my seatbelt. I turn to Amber who is smiling smugly, "The headache was really getting to me."

"It's nothing," he says smiling.

Out of nowhere, someone slaps their hands on both the front seats and pulls themselves forward, "Who's the babe?"

I immediately recognize by the accent that it is Lars. Slightly startled, I gasp and turn to him with my eyebrows furrowed.

Lars was referring to Amber as the 'babe'. She shifts slightly and hangs an arm on the car door, smirking.

"Shut up Lars," Kirk says and slaps Lars' hand off of his seat.

"What? She's hot!" he says while rubbing the hand that Kirk slapped away, "Besides, you should know by now that I have a thing for blondes. Gosh Kirk, don't you know me at all?"

Amber laughs, "Well, Lars, you seem interesting enough. We should hang sometime, yeah?"

Lars' jaw drops and seems starstruck for just a second before he collects himself, "Definitely."

"Wednesday will give you my digits," she winks and closes the door before walking off.

Kirk starts driving and Lars immediately starts tapping my shoulder. "Give me her number, give me her number!" he says frantically.

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