"That's more of a third date kind of thing"

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October 1st 9:02amKirk's house

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October 1st 9:02am
Kirk's house

Chapter 6: "That's more of a third date kind of thing"

I actually managed to wake up to my alarm clock this morning, a rare occasion for me. Never in my life have I ever skipped school, it made me feel nervous but also a bit rebellious.

I'm really excited to spend the whole day with Kirk and try to get him to tell me more about the book, which he probably won't but it's still worth a shot.

The main thing on my mind right now, besides the shining, is if Kirk remembers what he said yesterday and if he meant it in the way I think he meant it. Maybe it's just me though, maybe he meant it in a friendly sort of way.

I walk up to his front door and knock with my right hand, my left hand is already occupied by Kirk's book. I wait for a minute but there is no answer so I knock again.

"I'm coming!" yells someone from somewhere inside the house, I assume it's Kirk.

I hear his muffled and hurried footsteps coming closer to the door. With a click from the lock and a creak, the door opens.

I look at him for about 2 seconds, the ends of my mouth curl into a smile. I start laughing hysterically.

Kirk is standing at the door with his pajamas on. This is would be totally normal if they weren't covered in cats playing guitar.

"Ha ha very funny, they're comfortable ok!" he says while rolling his eyes before laughing with me.

My laughter turns to shock when I look back up and see his hair. It is so fluffy!!

I stand there with my jaw hanging open. "Can I touch your hair?" I say without thinking.

He brings an arm up to his hair which is going in all directions and laughs while trying to fix it without much success.

Not only are his pajamas light blue with cats playing guitars on them but they are also matching pants and a long sleeved shirt which makes them all the more adorable.

"Come in." he says and moves to the side so I can walk inside in front of him like last time.

This time he puts his hands on my shoulders right as I walk in. "Let's not go to the wrong room this time too" he says with a small laugh.

Just like last time, he slightly angles my shoulders in the direction he wants me to walk and just like last time, it sends a chill down my spine.

Kirk Hammett: A highschool metal love storyWhere stories live. Discover now