"This isn't what it looks like."

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October 1st 12:46pmKirk's house

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October 1st 12:46pm
Kirk's house

Chapter 7: "This isn't what it looks like."

I wake up to the sound of a faint click in the nearby distance but I am too tired, too at peace, too comfortable to even give it a second thought. I open my eyes ever so slightly to see Kirk still right beside me, my arms loosely wrapped around his waist.

I wish this moment could last forever. The both of us cuddled together, his arms around me and mine around him. His hair tickling the side of my face. The feeling of my head moving with his chest as he breathes deeply.

I cuddle in closer to him, bringing my legs from beside me to rest by my stomach and leaning slightly on Kirk's legs. I think I woke him up because he pulls me in closer to him, he is still very sleepy and not completely awake yet.

He lets out a small sigh which is the cutest sound I have ever heard. I can feel his cheek against my head, I think he is smiling. I smile too.

I hear footsteps and start waking up more. "Kirk, what do you think about chicken adobo for din-" someone says loudly before stopping and standing still.

Standing at the entrance of the room is an older woman carrying shopping bags. She stands there with her eyes wide open.

Kirk is now fully awake, as am I. Out of what I think is surprise, he doesn't move, he still has his arm around me.

"Mom, this isn't what it looks like," he says awkwardly. I feel Kirk getting slightly warmer and I can guarantee that he is blushing.

Reluctantly, I let go of Kirk and sit up, still close beside him.

"Kirk, you didn't tell me that you have a girlfriend!" she says with a large smile on her face. She puts down her shopping bags and rushes over to sit beside us.

"G-girlfriend?" he says very nervously.

"Oh, we're not together," I say nervously, I just know that my face must be so red right now.

"Pfft!" she says while rolling her eyes and waving her hand once.

"Really Mom, we're not."

"Yeah right. I want to hear everything about you," she says and takes my hands in hers.

"Umm," I say and look at Kirk. He just sits there looking slightly terrified.

Kirk Hammett: A highschool metal love storyWhere stories live. Discover now