Chapter 3

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Later in the evening, I'm sitting by the piano, playing a random melody that just turned up in my mind, when all of a sudden, I hear the front door open.

A moment later Mum and Dad entry; both are smiling suspiciously, and I wonder what they're at.

"What's going on? Why are you so cheerful?", I ask, turning my back to the grand piano.

"Where's James? Go fetch him, Allie, we've got great news!", Dad says, and Mum's face lightens even more.

Hesitatingly I open the door to the hallway to call my brother while my parents disappear into the adjoining dining room.

A few moments later my parents, James and I are gathered at our big table, which is made of mahogany wood.

The news must be something special, for both Mum and Dad have poured themselves a glass of an expensive French wine that Dad bought when he was on a fashion week in France.

"My darlings!", Dad begins his speech, "Do you remember 'Ember Gardens'?"

'Ember Gardens' is the biggest fashion company of New Zealand. It has achieved its breakthrough through an American fashion designer, whose collection was presented at the Paris Fashion Week in my brother's birth year.

As a result, thousands of people started buying those clothes and so it went on year by year, season by season, until the head – Alicia Tirey – was found shot in her flat. Whether it had been suicide wasn't clear, but in her statement, Alicia announced that her daughter Natalie would inherit the company. Thus, Alicia's daughter became head of 'Ember Gardens'. Dad has been talking about it ever since he came back from his business trip from New Zealand five years ago. It's basically impossible to not know what happened to this company.

Jimeny and I answer in the affirmative.

"Natalie Tirey wants to hand over the company to me." Dad pauses to sip at his glass of wine and suddenly it is dead silent.

I'm astonished. I mean, my father has worked with 'Ember Gardens' for a few years now, but I didn't expect this to happen.

James is the one who finally breaks the silence: "Wow! How did you do that, Dad? You must have bewitched her!"

Mum and I giggle, and the tension loosens a bit.

"Well, Natalie thinks this job is too much for her and she is of the conviction that she needs a pause. And as I was searching for a way how to start my own business, she decided to make me the head of her company." He stops to sip again and then continues: "Only, I don't want to leave you three and therefore your mother and I thought it would be a good idea to move to Wellington together – as a family. What do you two think of that?"

Wait, did my father just say move to Wellington together?!

My heart skips a beat. Is he serious? I don't even know what to think of it.

"Uhm, Dad don't you think, this is a little too hasty? I mean, we haven't finished our school year yet and Allison..." James pauses and looks with an uncertain gaze at me.

I open my mouth and close it again because I don't know what to say. Shall I tell my parents about the nightmare? And if I do so, what will be the consequences? Will they send me again to the psychologist – even if it's just three months ago since I have been discharged from therapy? I don't know why I remain silent, but I kind of have the feeling that I owe my family something. These two years... I can hardly believe myself that I have recovered from the trauma. If James and my parents hadn't been there for me, I would probably still be in the mental hospital without knowing where I belong. Now, if I tell my parents, I dreamt about my kidnapper, they'll perhaps think it's not over yet. They'll think, they haven't worked hard enough. I don't want that. The least I can do, is to make life easier for my family. And if I don't tell them anything, they won't be upset, right? No one will suffer from it. Besides, it's just a nightmare...

"Nightin'?", my brother's voice brings me back to the here and now.

I give my head a slight shake and finally say: "I just need some time to reflect on it."

Mum and Dad nod understandingly and I rise from the table to go upstairs to my room. 

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