Chapter 2

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Back home, I open the fridge, but it's empty. Of course.

When closing it, I perceive a message on the door. It's from Mum.

"Allie, I have to test the shells we found at the coast. I'll be back as soon as I can. Money's in the box – order something to eat.



James is still at school; he will return in half an hour and Dad is at work. This means that I'm alone at home. The situation kind of reminds me of the movie "Home Alone" and I grin. 

Finally I take my phone out of my schoolbag and make an order.

After a few seconds of reflecting on what to do, I go upstairs and start doing my homework. Maths, Biology and French, which is the subject I like most because it's not as complicated as Maths. Biology may seem clearer, but it's not easier than learning a new language. Just as I think, my brain is going to explode, I hear the doorbell. Quickly I flit down the stairs, answer the entry phone and receive the order. Then I pay and the guy from the pizza delivery leaves.

When putting the food on a plate, I hear the door open and a moment later my brother James enters the dining room.

"Jimeny! You're just in time! Come and eat", I great him.

"Yeah, but let me wash my hands first", he says with a smile and disappears in the bathroom.

My brother and I pray before starting to eat. Our family is catholic, and our parents are very religious, but it's not that we were forced to believe in God. Nay - Dad always says that we ought to choose our own path and Mum shares his opinion as long as she can understand our motives.

"Where's Mum? Isn't she supposed to be home?", James suddenly asks.

"Mum's probably in the lab. She left me a note on the fridge and meant, there were some shells she must test", I reply frosty.

"What is it, Nightin'?" When we were younger, James and I used to go into the woods near our house and imitate the animals' calls. One day, I heard a nightingale chirp and found her song so beautiful that I couldn't stop whistling the melody all the way home. Ever since, my brother calls me "Nightin'".

I sigh. I was trying to forget the nightmare I had during class, but I couldn't help thinking about it all the time. "It's just... I had a dream. I dreamt about – you know, who." A few seconds of pure silence pass and I already regret to have spoken at all.

I want to take back what I've said, when my older brother throws in: "What happened?" His gaze is so intense, his usually light brown eyes seem to be almost black.

"I was in the room. Again. And I heard his voice – he was acting like a child. First, I didn't recognize it, but then..." My throat seems too dry to talk any further, I choke up.

"Are you alright? Shall I call Mum? Or Dad? Tell the psychologist?", James immediately inquires.

"No, it's okay, I just... didn't have any nightmares for a long time now", is my hesitating answer.

"Really? Are you sure, you don't want me to-"

"Let it be, Jim. It's fine."

He only nods in reply and I quickly change the subject: "By the way, how was training? I heard, you got a new trainer?"

James is the captain of the school rugby team whose trainer has unfortunately had a heavy accident and therefore can't train them anymore.

"Yeah, Mr Hendrix – he's actually okay, but he always adds a 'ha?' at the end of every sentence. It really drives me mad", he says.

"Oh, Jimeny! If that is all that vexes you, I can only tell you one thing: Not even a top model is immaculate", I say with a slight grin.

My brother makes no answer and puts our plates with a smile on his face into the dishwasher. 

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