Chapter 4: His Feelings

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~The next day~

Elizabeth's POV
Ashley and I were walking to school together. I saw what happened yesterday and was wondering why Bakugo did what he did.

"Ash do you know why Bakugo spilled food on you?" I asked.

"I don't know I wanted to ask him today." She replied.

"Oh okay because I'm curious why." I said

"Yeah me too." She said.

Ashley's POV
I was curious why Bakugo spilled food all over me so I decided before class to ask him. I walked over to him in the halls.

"Katsuki Bakugo? I'm the girl you spilled food all over yesterday. I was just wondering why you did this. Did I do something to offend you?" I asked.

"Eh? Oh yeah I just needed to get revenge on you somehow because you got first place when it should have been me." He replied in a rude tone.

"Wha-.... That's it?! Just because I got a better place than you you decided to make a big scene in the cafeteria and ruin my uniform?! You're so immature you need to act your own age and start to think about other people too because being a hero isn't always about being number one! It's also about thinking of how the people around you feel!" Then I walked away.

Bakugo's POV
After Ashley confronted me for being the way I am made me feel a feeling that I didn't like.

Why do I feel warm? I'm not going to lie her attitude was kind of hot. Wait what?! What is this feeling? I've never felt this before and I don't like it but it's kind of nice. Ugh I need to stop!

I shook my head to snap myself out of it.

Her attitude was pretty hot but I shouldn't focus on that right now I barely know her I can't already have a crush on her....right?

Elizabeth's POV
I couldn't help myself from thinking about Todoroki.

Why can't I get him out of my head? It's only the second day of school I can't already have a crush on him can I? I feel weird for thinking like this. Maybe I just need to do something to get my mind off of him.

Then out of the blue Todoroki came up to me.

"Hey Elizabeth." He said in a happy tone.

"Oh hi Todoroki." I said trying to use my happy and innocent voice.

We chatted for a little bit and then out of no where I get someone push me. I fell forward and Todoroki caught me.

"Woah Elizabeth are you okay?" He said sounding worried.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks for catching me." I said giggling a little.

I was so embarrassed and I'm sure that I was blushing like an idiot to I tried my best to hide my face but not make it obvious. I looked around and saw Ashley looking at us with a smile so knew for a fact it was her. We went to class and sat at our seats.

"Ash what the hell?!" I whisper yelled to her.

"What?" She asked playing dumb.

"Oh don't play dumb you know what you did!" I whispered yelled at her again.

"Oh that. Yeah I just had to. I have a sense he likes you back." She replied.

"There is no way he likes me like that why would a guy like him like a girl like me?" I asked.

"Oh come on why else would he come up and talk to you? Why else would he catch you and make sure you're okay?" She asked.

"Because he's nice?" I said in a tone like it's obvious.

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