Chapter 2: When He Notices Her

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Ashley's POV
I saw Mary talk to the guy she yelled at and he was super annoyed with her and she was still smiling so cute and innocent.

"What did you talk about to him? He looked super annoyed." I asked when she came back.

"Oh I just wanted to apologize for my behavior out in the hallway and I got to learn his name too. I also knew he was annoyed but I love to be nice to people, you know that."  she replied.

She was so cute saying that I couldn't help but laugh. She just rolled her eyes knowing what I was laughing at. Then I couldn't help but notice this little guy that had purple balls on his head. I didn't know if it was his quirk or his hair.

"Hey there's a boy who is staring at you." I said.


"Behind you."

Elizabeth's POV
I looked behind me and I saw what she was talking about. A little guy with purple balls on his head was staring at me so I tried to be nice and smile. I waved at him and he just waved back and blushed continuing to stare at me.

So he's not in a daze? I thought to myself.

He walked over and said "Hey cutie do you want to get out of here?"

I slightly giggled only because of the compliment not because he was cute.

"Thank you for the compliment but I'd rather focus in class than skip, especially on the first day." I said.

"Come on it'll be fun." He said.

"No thanks but we can maybe talk later I'm Elizabeth, what's your name?" I said with a smile.

"Mineta." He said.

"Nice to meet you maybe I'll see you around." I said.

Then he went to his desk and I turned around to face Ashley and she started to laugh a little.

"What?" I asked.

"He was hitting on you and wanted to get you alone girlfriend are you deaf?" She replied.

I just rolled my eyes and said "No I know what he was trying to do I just wanted to let him down easy. Anyway the guy I blew up at is named Katsuki Bakugo and he's looking at you." She looked over at him and saw him looking at her so she blushed.

"Ooh it looks like a new ship has sailed." I said.

"Shut up." She said hiding her face.

No one's POV
The bell rang and the teacher came in telling the class what they were going to do. He introduced himself as Mr. Aizawa. He said that we will do a Quirk Apprehension test and there is a possibility that he'll expel people who comes in last. Ashley and Elizabeth knew he was probably saying that to make them work hard but they'd rather be safe than sorry. Then all the students got dressed in their P.E. clothes.

Ashley's POV
After we all got dressed I realized how tight the P.E. clothes were and I could tell that Mary was feeling insecure right now but she shouldn't. Her body is perfect and I caught a guy staring at her too.

"Dang Ash look at you! You look good girlfriend!" Mary said to me which made me laugh.

"Look at me? Look at you! Your body is perfect, you look fine as hell!" I said.

"Stop it." She replied all embarrassed and cute.

I couldn't help but laugh and she was all flustered.

"Oh and by the way there is a guy staring at you he has platinum blond hair on one half of his hair and red on the other. He also has a burn on his face." I told her.

TodoMary and BakuAshTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon