Chapter 21: Their Kid✨

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Ashley's POV
I opened it and it was a pregnancy test. I looked at her wide eyed. She looked back with a big smile and motioned to the restroom. I took that as a sign that I should take it. I got scared so I hesitated.

"Come on Ash I'm sure Bakugo would love to have a kid with you," She said rubbing my back.

"Yeah but I was on birth control." I said.

"Ash you do know that with the pills still 6 out of every hundred women a year still get pregnant. It's very rare but you were just one of those few women." She said.

I took a deep breath and got up to go to the restroom. I took the test and I didn't look at it because I was too scared. I opened the door and Mary looked at me.

"Mar I can't look, can you do it for me?" I asked.

She came in and looked at it. She smiled and looked at me.

"It's positive," She said.

I started to ball and she came to hug me. She hugged me tight while I cried in her arms. Then Bakugo came home and I stiffened. Mary looked at me then at Bakugo.

"Woah what's going on? Babe why are you crying?" He asked.

"She kind of has something to tell you. I'll leave now and give you some privacy." Mary said then she left.

"What do you need to tell me?" Bakugo asked.

"Uhm... I-I... I just..." I stuttered. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "This morning I woke up and I felt really sick, I puked. Then Mary called me and I told her everything. She said she had an idea what was wrong so she came over... with a pregnancy test." I explained.

He was frozen staring at me with wide eyes.

"I took it..... and it was positive... I'm pregnant Baby." I said with tears stinging my eyes and I tried to smile through them.

I went in the restroom and grabbed the positive test. I handed it to him and he look at it still in shock. I was just rubbing my arms and shoulders waiting for him to say something. He looked up at me and walked over. He cupped my face crashing his lips to mine. I kissed back and slid my hand up his chest then the back of his neck.

He pulled away to say "Babe.. we're going to have a kid. That's great news, I don't know why you were so scared to tell me. I love you and I really would love to have a baby with you."

He started to cry too so I just hugged him tightly. He hugged me back lifting me up of the ground a little.

"Oh wait I thought you were on birth control?" He said putting me down.

"I know, I was but I was just one of those rare few women to get pregnant." I said.

He just hugged me again which I hope was a sign that he was still happy. Then Mary and Todoroki came through the door. Which honestly was kind of expected.

"Congratulations guys! You're going to be parents!" Mary cheered.

She went up to Bakugo and hugged him. She kind of jumped into his arms so he was shocked. He almost lost his balance but they didn't fall. Todoroki came over to hug me and I hugged him back.

~6 Weeks Pregnant~

Ashley's POV
I was waiting in the doctors office with Bakugo. I was going to have a ultrasound and we were going to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. I was excited and so was Bakugo.

My doctor came into the room and I laid down. She started the ultrasound and we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time.

"There it is." She said pointing to it.

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