Chapter 1: They Meet Once Again

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No one's POV
It was the first day of school. Elizabeth was very nervous because this is the first time since 6th grade that she went to school without makeup because she knew they would probably train on the first day so she didn't want to sweat it all off. She was very insecure of how she looked and she didn't have any acne luckily but she was scared. She always puts on chapstick because she hates the feeling of have dry or chapped lips. She was looking forward to seeing Ashley after about maybe 2 years.

Ashley was so excited to see Elizabeth that she couldn't wait she was trying to hurry up and get ready. She was also nervous because she is a little afraid of not making a good first impression.

Elizabeth's POV
I was so scared as I walked to school. I was afraid no one would like me or people would look at me weird because I'm not wearing makeup. I was looking for Ashley as soon as I got there and I saw her. When I looked at her she looked at me I almost didn't recognize her because her body was so perfect. (Not in a weird way😬) I ran to her and she started to run to me. The momentum made us fall to the ground when we hugged but we didn't care. We were crying because it's been so long.

Ashley's POV
When I got to the school I was looking for Mary everywhere I missed her so much I want to see her so bad. Then I saw her we looked at each other I almost didn't recognize her because she wasn't wearing makeup and she lost so much weight. We started to run to each other and the momentum made us fall when we hugged we didn't care though we were so happy we were crying. The people around us figured we hadn't seen each other in a while so they smiled at us except for some boys.

A guy walked past us and said "Stop crying you babies and why the hell are you on the floor?"

Mary got angry and almost yelled "Shut up! We haven't seen each other in years we missed each other a lot! I'm sure you would do the same thing if you were in our place!"

When she yelled it shocked me but she's always had a short temper. I then tried to calm her down.

"Mar calm down you're causing a scene it's okay!" Then she calmed down and the boy scoffed and walked away.

Elizabeth's POV
I just couldn't help but yell because I'm tired of people talking to Ashley like that. I've never, since sixth grade let someone walk all over her or me but I mostly worry about her. My personality changed completely in 6th grade I'm still as nice as I can be but when someone gets on my nerves too much I blow up. You can even ask Ashley she would always be the one to calm me down.

Ashley's POV
Mary's personality changed completely in 6th grade. She still tries to be nice but if you get on her nerves too much then she'll blow up at you. She knows when she goes too far but I also have to be there to calm her down.

Also, when I say she is the nicest girl ever she really is. She always tries to help other's and she never thinks about herself first. She is made to be a hero she always thinks about others first. I know a vampire isn't like that but that's what makes her so unique.

One bad thing about her is that she always overthinks and she is always worried as out how other people think about her. I bet you that she was nervous to come to school without makeup.

Elizabeth's POV
"Ash do I look good? I'm not wearing makeup." I asked Ashley.

"Yeah you look fine stop being so insecure you're beautiful." She said.

I was really not confident with how I looked today.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Stop! You look beautiful stop being so insecure!" She snapped back.

It shocked me so I stopped talking and covered my mouth. We then went to class and luckily we had the same class. When we got in there I noticed that the same guy that I yelled at in the hall was staring at Ashley. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions too quickly but I still had a sense that he at least thought she was pretty because who wouldn't.

I figured I should apologize for yelling at him so maybe I could get to know him a little better too and maybe I can see if I can get him and Ashley together. I mean I love her but her taste in men was never good so I want to help her improve it.

I went up to him "Uh excuse me I'm Mary Elizabeth, I'm the girl who yelled at you in the hallway."

"Eh? Oh yeah I remember you, what do you want?" He replied back in a rude tone.

"I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. I really wanted to set a good impression but I know the way I acted wasn't a good start. What's your name?" I said in a nice voice.

He seemed annoyed from the way I'm talking to him but he still replied "I'm Katsuki Bakugo and I forgive you or whatever but that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice to you. Are we done talking now?"

Then I smiled "Nice to meet you Bakugo maybe I'll see you around." Then I walked back to my desk.

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