Chapter 23: Their Kid✨

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Elizabeth's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes. I was pregnant, I'm going to be a mother. I'm going to be what I wanted to be for 8 years. I couldn't believe it, I was so happy. I started crying, I swung the door open and ran to Todoroki.

"Look!" I screamed and gave him the test.

He looked at it and was frozen. He looked at me and my hands were over my mouth while I was smiling through my tears. I sniffled and jumped into his arms. We fell onto the couch and laughed. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I buried my head into the crook of his neck.

"Hey come with me," He said.

I let him get up and followed him outside. It was raining and I remember telling him how much I loved the idea of dancing in the rain. He held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

I took his hand and we danced in the rain. Our foreheads were pressed together. Looking into each other's eyes. It was nice even though our clothes were getting soaked. It was amazing dancing with him like this. I did my thing with my hands on the back of his neck. Stroking behind his ears with my thumbs.

"I could stay like this forever," I said.

"Me too, your eyes are so beautiful," He said.

"You say that all the time," I said giggling a little.

"Yeah because it's true. I love it when you have your fingers in my hair, stroking behind my ears with your thumbs," He said smiling wide.

I laughed and kissed him. Our hair and clothes were soaked. I hugged his neck and he kissed my cheek making me lean back a little while I giggled again.

~6 Weeks Pregnant~

Todoroki's POV
"I'm getting 2 separate heartbeats." The doctor said.

"2?! We're going to have twins?!" Mary asked excitedly.

"Yes, congratulations," The doctor said.

The picture was up on the monitor and we heard the heartbeats. It was so beautiful listening to them.

"I'll give you two some alone time." The doctor said.

We looked into each other's eyes. I kissed her, she kissed me back.

"Let's think about names," I started. "If they're both girls let's name them Sara and Sakura. If they're both boys then let's name them Haru and Haruma," I finished.

She was silent for a little.

"I like Niko," She said.

"Oh.. that's a really cute name. We can name one of the girls Niko. I like Haru." I said.

"Okay well, then those are our options then." She said.

I gave her a little peck on her lips. Then I gave her peck kisses all over her face and she giggled.

~18 Weeks Pregnant~

Elizabeth's POV
"Baby?" I asked.

"Yes Baby?" He answered.

"Did you want to keep the sex of the twins a surprise or do you want to know today at my appointment?" I asked.

"I wanted to keep it a surprise for birth," He started as he grabbed his keys. "If you want to know today then that's fine with me," He finished and kissed me on my forehead.

"No, I wanted to keep it a surprise too," I said kissing his cheek.

We smiled at each other and headed for the car.

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