Keeping perfectly still, Julie waited for what seemed like endless seconds before he released her and shoved her aside, taking the knife with him as he headed up the stairs. The hatch locked in place after him and Julie braced her hands on the kitchen countertop, shaking with fear. When she raised her eyes a steel blade winked at her from its spot on the magnetic knife bar by the far end of the counter. Derek had taken the larger kitchen knife, the one she’d been using earlier, but there were several others. One of which was small enough to keep hidden somewhere.

Julie listened for voices upstairs and carefully took the knife, walking as fast as she could into the bedroom without making a sound. She looked around for a good place to hide it and finally settled on under the mattress on her side. If Derek came down to stay with her, she could wait until he was asleep and get away from him then. If only the hatch wasn’t locked… The woman staying upstairs – was that his girlfriend? Was she helping him? Would she be able to escape Derek only to be caught by his accomplice? And perhaps the biggest question of all – could she really stab a man in cold blood?

It was him or her, Julie told herself. If she had the opportunity to escape and didn’t take it she wasn’t worth saving. Of course, her plan depended on him falling asleep next to her, and thus far, he’d kept his distance at night. Perhaps because he didn’t trust her yet. She couldn’t attack him when he was awake, he was much too strong and it would be downright foolish to even try.


“Jase!” Derek greeted his cousin and Jason gritted his teeth. Derek was acting like he didn’t have a care in the world and it was making Jason’s muscles flex in angry response.

“Derek. Long time no see,” Jason said, his jaw tense. “Do you have a minute?”

“Well, me and the little lady were just heading to bed,” he said and wrapped an arm around Sissy, who looked uncomfortable with the affectionate gesture.

“Right, I’ll be quick, then,” Jason said tersely. “Have you seen Julie around, by any chance?”

“Why? Did she run out on you?” Derek said in mock surprise. “Well, she has a history of that, doesn’t she?”

“Difference is, I never left her bleeding and dying on the kitchen floor, so…” Jason said and had the satisfaction of seeing the anger flash in Derek’s eyes, and hesitation cross Sissy’s features.

“Is that all?” Derek said brusquely.

“I’ll be around if you hear from her,” Jason said easily and stepped away from the door. “Just give me a call and I’ll be right over.”

“Don’t waste your time, cuz,” Derek drawled. “She’s probably halfway to California by now.”

The door was slammed behind Jason’s back and he found his fists shaking of pent-up anger. At least Derek knew he was being watched now, and the authorities knew where to find him. Jason headed for his car and drove off, stopping a small stretch down the street, out of sight from the house, and called Jim to make sure the Sheriff had gotten the message about Derek’s whereabouts.


By the time Derek returned, Julie was back in the kitchen, tidying up the last of their meal. She didn’t dare say a word, afraid it might set him off, and kept her eyes on the dishtowel she was using. He walked around the kitchen as if inspecting its condition, and Julie felt her heart beat faster as he looked over the kitchen counter. What if he saw that the smallest knife was missing on the wall?

“You missed a spot,” he said gruffly and tapped his finger on the counter top. Julie couldn’t see anything, but she knew better than to argue. Instead, she scrubbed dutifully at the spot he’d indicated. She froze as Derek’s hand covered hers and he lifted it up to inspect her nails. “Do these look nice to you?” he questioned with a voice that teetered on the edge of anger.

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