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I feel so bad for not updating I am sorry I made you wait I hope it never happens again.
But i did get my new computer it's very nice.

ALSO THIS IS THE TENTH CHAPTER I am surprised I made it this far like what.

The orange head was in the gym watching everyone huddle back into place with their teams after the big reunion. Hinata thought it was weird how he had met so many people from volleyball but it was fun because he did love volleyball and he was  glad that he got to play with his best friend again. Even if they were on different teams the two could still play together and rivalry is fun, but there is the problem of tomato and olive it's weird because I called him the vegetable gang but apparently tomatoes are fruits but tomatoes to call himself a part of the vegetable gang, also Hinata was an orange so no one knows why they call themselves the vegetable gang. Actually none of them were vegetables. Maybe they would go by the fruit gang. Karasuno was going against Aoba Johsai but since the gym was so big there were two matches going on because to their left Nekoma was going against Fukorodani. They were in between sets. For Nekoma they were winning the first set and Bokuto was in a mood. But for Karasuno they were down a set. Hinata met eyes with Kenma from across the gym.

Kenma started tapping his foot.
You okay losing Morse code sucked

Be quiet Hinata was quick to tap back.

Aww poor loooser

At least I'm not an ugly ass cat. Things were getting heated over here.

Well thank God I'm not a wimpy bird! Hinata always thought it was weird that Kenma expressed himself more when no one could understand him or no one knew it was him talking.

I hate you Hinata resorted to the basics.

Oh you love me. Hinata knew Kenma was teasing but he had to use everything he had to keep himself from getting red as Tendo's hair.

Meanwhile Kenma was trying to figure out why saying that made him feel some things.

Oh you wish. Kenma did wish for this to be true but he had a damn good poker face.

I wish tonight we weren't partners so I could beat your ass! Kenma was moving towards threats so Hinata knew what he was doing.

Oh please you would be able to land a punch. The orange one was definetly bluffing.

F u Kenma tapped just the two letters but this was fine since tapping out full words got tiresome,

suck a dick  Kenna snorted at the words and got a little red, not enough to be seen from across the gym but enough to get some stares from Kuroo, who was intrigued at what was happening.

That's your job bottom Kenma's tapping was faster now.

"OH PLEASE KENMA!" Oop it was getting verbal.

"WHAT IS IT ARE YOU DENYING IT!" Hinata took a while to think of a comeback so Kenma smirked.


"HINATA FOCUS ON YOUR OWN MATCH!" Coach finally stopped them but only because there match was starting back up. Secretly the coach was very interested in the shouting match, he didn't understand one bit of it but he found it entertaining that they were screaming at each other with absolutely no context.

"Kenma what was that about?" Kuroo was also intrigued by the telling but he actually wanted to know.

"Nothing." He was back to monotone Kenma.

We fight for fun//KenhinaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat