He doesn't trust me//-5-

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OOH yay I feel so good I got my baddie music playing okay I am going to finish TODAY. 

This is present day me I fell asleep right after writing that without even starting the story and I was going to delete it but I'll keep it there so if I ever get too confident and challenge the gods I will look back and see how pathetic I am.

Suga POV:

I walked out of the store along with my teammates I looked at all of them and they all shared the same expression as me even Tsukkishima who hadn't shown a glimpse of emotion since I had know him. We were all so darn confused. Asahi was white from the shock, poor guy he got spooked. Noya and Tanaka were whispering among themselves, probable deciding if the man could be trusted. 

I didn't blame them because he just walked up to Hinata and his sister and just said they were living with him now. 

I couldn't really say he was some rando because Hinata was sobbing, the sunshine that he had barely known for a day was crying. 

But what was getting to me is the words and phrases he said to Hinata, they were a family bit they weren't blood, no one had said anything about his actual parents. Apparently there was someone else in their 'family' I wonder who it was. Also he said something about a "mask slipping" he wasn't wearing anything on his face unless it was a metaphor, who was Hinata really, and who was his family.

What was his secret that Ukai had mentioned, who were the people he threatened, what going on in Hinata's life, was was in his past.

What was his story?

I must have been making a weird face because Daichi yelled out to me, "Hey Suga what you thinking about?"

"I don't know what to think right now?" I had never shown that I was unsure because that was one of my anxieties. So I could tell everyone was shocked from me admitting that I was put into this state by the event that had just recently unfolded.

Third person

Ukai was closing up the store and locking it up for the night when he heard some thuds from upstairs. He thought they woke up so he went upstairs only to find Shoyo huddled up in the corner shaking. Ukai sighed So they haven't stopped, he thought. He slowly approached the corner and when he was around two feet from him he sat down. "Shoyo it's me, Keishin Ukai, remember me, me Kenma and Natsu are your family and we will keep you safe." His breathing slowed but he was still shaking so Ukai tried another approach. "Is it okay if I hold you?" Shoyo's  head shot up, he hadn't been held by someone in a long time so he nodded slowly as if he was unsure, but Ukai knew as long as he trusted him it would be okay. The larger male pulled the still shaking child into his chest and put his head over his heartbeat. Ukai remembered how he loved listening to peoples heartbeats, at one point he could identify people just my their heartbeat, okay besides the point. Shoyo listened for what seemed like hours before his shaking stopped but he was now crying. Natsu woke up since she was a light sleeper and she often had to comfort her brother in times like these. She waddled over and hugged Shoyo's waist. They all fell asleep like this and woke up with there faces still puffy.

Hinata POV

I woke up surrounded so I freaked out but I calmed down after realizing it was Natsu and coach. We must have fell asleep after my panic attack last night. I crawled out of the labrynth made of arms and tried to find a bathroom, I found one. I looked in the mirror to find my face was caked in snot and tears. I had to wash this gunk off before my face broke out.

(A/N pimples do exist in this fan fiction because they are a great plague and I need to spread awareness)

I just washed it off with my hands which probably wasn't the best choice but I didn't want to use the towels. I looked at the clock to realize if I wanted to go the morning practice I would have to leave now, I took one look in the mirror hopefully no one would question my face looking like I had cried all night even though I had.

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