Chapter 14: Wynonna Wiccen

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I took the rest of that day to empty out the enchanted bags and to categorize our new potion supplies. The next morning, I had everyone gathered in my tent. I had them grab a potion's book, spell book, mini cauldron, and a couple of flasks.

"Before you, you shall find potions and spells that can help you infiltrate our enemies," I stated. "You will learn them, master them, for our first target has become known to me. The great Wynonna Wiccen is starting her council reelection campaign.

After a week, most of you will assume your new identities. Then, you will apply for careers that can provide us with intel on our enemies. When we find an opening, we take it. With Wynonna, we can infiltrate her campaign aids, security detail, and for support...we could even have a few posed as citizens in the crowd.

Now, I impure you to try your hardest to learn these things. From here on out, we have no room for error. A mistake will surely cost us in lives...So, study and brew at your best potential.

If you need a potion's ingredient, they can be found categorized on shelves I've conjured." I pointed over to the shelves for all to know exactly where everything was. "Take what you need, back to your tents, for we have plenty."

Lucky for them, we had dozens of different sized containers. So, they could take their potion ingredients and supplies to their own tents to practice brewing. I watched as they jarred a bit of everything, from Amarok Wolf's Fang to refined Unicorn Horn, and headed off to study.

Over the couple following days, those who were gifted came to show their results. As expected, it was my royal blood house members that showed talent for learning new spells and brewing unfamiliar potions. "Dark Lord," called out a unfamiliar feminine voice.

I looked up from my meditation, at a blonde headed girl standing in my tent. "Are you new here, Miss?" I asked in confusion, standing up to greet her.

"Don't you recognize me?"

"Um..." I stumbled.

"Oh drat, it must be my new hair color. I hope Damien likes it..."


"Hello, my Lord, " she grinned. "This lovely new face was the result of the Chameleon's Potion."

"How does it work?"

"It has it's basic ingredients, Chameleon Skin, tail of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko, pincher's of a Ghost Mantis...but, the last few ingredients are exchangeable. You select the last ingredients by the appearance you want. For example, Bee's Wax will produce blonde hair but Rose Thorns, instead, will produce crimson hair."

"Well done," I complimented. "Show the others and help them."

"Of course, there is one more thing." She took some papers out of her pocket and handed them to me. They were forged documents for her current look.

"They were made by Damien," she stated. "He used a Forgery Spell that he found in a spell book. However, they retain the caster's 'watermark' to prove they are fakes."

"They look real," I flattered. I handed them back to her. "Can the watermark be hidden? Like maybe with a Concealment Enchantment."

"That is genius sir..." she spoke in surprise. "I will have Damien try a few out and see which has the best effect."

"Excellent...soon, we will have men stationed all throughout the land. Then, we strike when are enemies are most vulnerable."

"To bringing chaos to order," she toasted cheerfully. "I will return to the others. Good day, my lord." She did a light curtsy before leaving.

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