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Your pov

After Machi and other members checked Hisoka's body lying on the cold floor of one of the arena's rooms, it was my turn.
I don't even know why I went in to look at it.
I just sat down next to him, not even a tear coming down.
As soon as I ran my hand over his burned and now skinless cheek, a powerful aura invaded his body...
How is it possible? Isn't he dead?
But Machi had clearly told me that there was no hope...

His body leapt up, but then he lay down again, as if he were still dead. However, he had his head turned towards me, and with his finger he signaled me to approach him, since I had walked away frightened by the leap.

Hisoka: "Y/n... I'm surprised you're worrying about me~♡"
Y/n: "I just wanted to make sure of your death once and for all, I never said that. Anyway, how did you survive?"
Hisoka: "Nen gets stronger after death, so I asked Bungee Gum to bring me back to life in that case~♤"
Y/n: "I see... You are unpredictable..."
Hisoka: "Are you mad at me?~♢"
Y/n: "Idiot... How can I not be after what you did to me? I'm not just referring to the crap calling, but the lies! You just used me!"

Hisoka's pov

I can't tell her the truth.
I can't tell her it's the only toy of mine that I care about feelings.
If I don't lie to her, she'll never fulfill my true wish. The fight with Chrollo was all bullshit, what I really want is for her to kill me now that she has achieved happiness. But if I told her that mine weren't lies and that Chrollo was actually used to get to this moment, she'd be sad again, and I don't want that to happen.
To ensure that she can continue to live happily I have to finish it here.

Hisoka: "Huh? Did you think you were important enough to be my only friend? I don't know what friends are. You've been just a toy until now, not even that, you've been a tool"
Y/n: "BASTARD! How can you say it so calmly? Don't you think about my feelings?"
Hisoka: "You're acting like a child.
Me interested in the feelings of a puppet? You don't even have the right to be with someone like Chrollo"

Hisoka: "Go on. Do it, are you afraid? Or maybe you're sorry?"
Y/n: "I'm not afraid to kill an asshole like you. And don't think I'm sorry"
Hisoka: "You look cute when you're mad~♡"
Y/n: "What the fuck... I don't understand you anymore. I'm sick of your soothsayer speeches...
What's what you want?!"
Hisoka: "Let me fix my body for a second~♢"

Your pov

Hisoka rebuilt his arm, chin and leg, then lay down like a corpse.
I just don't understand...
What does that mean? First he throws the shit on me and then he tells me I'm cute when I'm literally threatening to kill him...?
I can't take it anymore... It's become a nightmare now. I just want to live a happy life without obstacles!
Why is everyone against me?
First my aunt, then my grandfather, now even those I considered true friends...?

Hisoka: "What do I want, you say? Kill me~♡"
Y/n: "...Why..."
Hisoka: "You're the only one who can do it. Well, actually Illumi too, but I prefer you to do it~♡"
Y/n: "Is this what you want? Well then, I guess that's what friends do, they use their friends to satisfy their interests..."

As an unwanted tear was running down my face and then falling on his lips, I got up to look for something to kill him. The deadly silence was squeezing me, I felt like I was suffocating.
Hisoka stopped me, however, putting my shaking hands on his temples.

Hisoka: "Use your Nen since it's so great~♡"

Since I could not get up due to the immense weight I felt on my shoulders, I accepted the invitation, using the Nen instead of an excruciating kill.
After an internal debate and cries of silence that were making the atmosphere even more deafening, I gave the order to his brain to stop his heart, yet leaving him conscious.

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now