Crimson eyes

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Time skip

Your pov

After those words, Ilu offered to help me bury my grandfather's body, without saying anything else.
He asked me if I wanted to stay there, even though he already knew the answer would be no, although I had no other choice.
He decided to lend me some money and recommended a place where I could sleep using the Hunter license. When I got out of the car, I gave him an endless deep hug, then he muttered a "goodbye" and drove away.

During these months I have trained my Nen by expanding the effectiveness of hatsu and I have become stronger to try to get the job I was looking for. I chose to work for the Nostrade family, as they were closer to the Yorknew City auction, although I haven't tried to get hired yet.

It's almost August now, I should call Hisoka to ask him about the hunter exam he had to repeat, but he didn't give me his number...
Unless ...

The card!

I immediately took the card I had kept, and activating the gyo I saw a number written on the back of the card.
That fool...

Hisoka's pov

Sweet fruit~♡ is calling...

Long last! I've waited so long for this moment! Who knows how much she have changed...

Hisoka: "yo~♧"
Y/n: "Hisokaaa!"

I missed her beautiful voice, I guess she is happy now, if so am I.

Hisoka: "How's my precious doll?~♤"
Y/n: "I'm good! I have a lot of things to tell you!!! You can't even imagine..."

Her voice became melancholy in the last sentence... Is she pretending to be happy with me?

Hisoka: "I'm glad, I have to talk to you about my exam as well~◇"

(Time skip)

Y/n: "Why did you have to terrorize two children? Even if you said they are very strong you can't be creepy with them!"
Hisoka: "Speaks the one who killed her grandpa~♤"

Y/n: "Leave me alone!"
Hisoka: "Okay, but I have to tell you something important... Or I better say to show you... See you in an hour in front of the place where you are staying for the moment~♡"
Y/n: "How do you know? Did you stalk me?"
Hisoka: "I asked Illumi, I knew he would help you~♧"

Your pov

Y/n: "Illumi!"
Hisoka: "Mh?~◇"
Y/n: "Oh, it's nothing, I just remembered his full name"

I can't tell him he's my best friend, it's our secret.

Hisoka: "Heedless~♡ Anyways, see you later fruit~♧"
Y/n: "Wa-

Call ended.

He's such a silly boy, but I love him just the same, he's a friend after all, the only one after Ilu.
I opened the wardrobe I had in my narrow room to choose a more lively dress, today I'm in a good mood, I don't want to wear black clothes at least for today!
I chose my grandmother's nineteenth-century style dark green dress, one of the most beautiful, and I ran to the bathroom to get ready, I want to see how much I can surprise Hisoka!

Hisoka's pov

I rang the doorbell of her hotel room, and as soon as the door opened, I saw a gorgeous girl standing in front of me, light makeup on her pretty face and an amazing dress that flattered her waist and... It doesn't matter. Gorgeous. Should be of age now right?

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now