Percabeth : Mrs. Pinkye

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A/N: This is for you Kaitlyn2607

Hope you enjoy💜💜💜

PS: Idk why. But I just love the pic!!!! It looks so perfect and my Percabeth heart just goes boom boom.......

Also the story is a bit cliche you know the same old people meet Percabeth and think they are not appropriate blah blah stuff but I really loved reading oneshots like this so I hope you like it to.....


Mrs. Pinkye's POV

Hello dearies. I am Kate Pinkye a forty year old woman. I am the mother of fifteen year old twins Alec and Freya. My children are the bets mannered kids in the world.

Though they are teenagers they always follow my rules and listen to me. 

So I was drinking coffee peacefully on a boring Sunday morning when I heard a loud noise come from the outside. I quickly peeped out through my window to see a family standing in front of the empty house opposite to us. 

They seemed like a nice proper family. The parents were about in their early forties and the two children who looked nothing like their parents were about eighteen. 

Oh so we have new neighbors. 

"Honey I think we have new neighbors" I said to my husband who was busy with his office work

"Mom we will visit them right?" Alec asked coming towards the window to look at them

"Yes of course. Tell Aeya to prepare some cookies" I said sternly to Alec "And you go and clean the car and the lawn" 

Yes I believed that Parents should always be harsh with their children or else they will become out of control. I don't like parents who treat their kids kindly or the concept of parents being friends with their children. 

"Yes Mom" Alec said politely and walked away. 

Soon the cookies were ready and I asked Alec and Aeya to dress respectively. I made Alec wear a white dress shirt and black pants while Aeya wore a long blue skirt and a green top. 

"Comb your hair and I don't want even the slightest wrinkle in your clothes" I said harshly 

The nodded and swiftly got ready. I smiled and kissed my husband's cheeks. 

Oh I also believed kissing on the lips in front of everyone was disrespectful. 

"Lets go shall we?" My husband asked politely and I nodded

We walked out towards the house opposite house which was now lighted and noisy. Suddenly before we could open the door, it opened itself to show the parents getting out. 

"Um How may I help you?" The woman asked calmly while the man nodded in a civilized way. 

"Hello we are your neighbors" I said smiling "We brought you cookies as a welcoming gift"

"Oh Hello I am Sally Blofis and this is my husband Paul Blofis" Sally said smiling "Thank you so much for caring but you didn't have to"

"Oh its no problem, its our pleasure to greet our new neighbors, I am Kate Pinkye and this my family" I said "But I think we interrupted something. Are you going out?"

"Oh Yes we're returning back home" Paul said

"Home? So who is staying here?" I asked confused

"Oh this is my son's house actually" Sally said 

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