End of the World: The Doctor 7.4

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Qiao Chen opened the ebony case that he had held with him for many years. There were a dozen scalpels of differing sizes and shapes neatly arranged inside. Each of the blades glinted under the operating room’s light. The blades seemed to have emitted a sharp chill as it flashed. These seemingly thin as paper scalpels caused everyone’s hearts to tremble.

Qiao Chen asked several doctors in the medical department to come over and assist him. The first soldier was given anesthesia and rolled into the operating room. Qiao Chen took out a scalpel and quickly cut through the soldier’s skin where his spine was located.

This was the first time Qiao Chen had used the cold iron scalpels. He turned on his system throughout the entire process in order to make sure that everything would go smoothly. An assistant doctor beside him kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

The bone spurs growing on the soldier’s vertebrae were black and extremely compact. Qiao Chen wanted to remove the bone spur from the base of the spur- right where it connected to the vertebrae. He also needed to be very careful and not injure the spinal cord. If the spinal cord was damaged, then the soldier’s would have chronic pain and mobility issues for the rest of their life.

The other doctors watched Qiao Chen cut off those hard as steel bone spurs quickly. Amazement hadn’t even set in yet when they noticed that the bone spurs had been sliced off smoothly. Furthermore, the incision site hadn’t even bled a drop of blood. They were in awe. If it was them removing the bone spurs, then the spurs would have definitely cracked and splintered.

The assistant immediately sewed the wound up after Qiao Chen removed all of the soldier’s bone spurs. The second Qiao Chen finished the operation; the next soldier was immediately wheeled in.

Qiao Chen didn’t take any break in between. He continued to work, operation after operation. The day bled into night. It wasn’t until noon of the next day when the final soldier’s surgery was complete.

Qiao Chen exited the operating room. He felt dizzy and lightheaded due to the strain of the system running from the day before until now.

“Are you okay?” Long Ao asked worriedly as he walked over to Qiao Chen with a thermos cup. Qiao Chen took his mask off the moment he could, so Long Ao could see how pale Qiao Chen was.

Qiao Chen accepted the thermos of hot chocolate and took a sip. Then he shook his head.

“I’ll walk you back. Take a rest. I’ll have some soldiers stand guard for you too.” Long Ao said. He ignored the others’ gazes and wrapped an arm around Qiao Chen’s shoulders. Then they walked out together.

“My scalpels are still inside.” Qiao Chen said and glanced back at the operating room.

Long Ao kept his arm around Qiao Chen’s shoulder as they stood there and waited. Less than ten seconds had passed when a soldier exited the room with Qiao Chen’s scalpel case in hand. He handed it to Long Ao, and Long Ao held onto it for Qiao Chen while they continued their way back to Qiao Chen’s residence.

Qiao Chen briefly took a shower once he reached his room. Then he laid down on his bed to finally rest.

“Have a good sleep. I won’t let anyone hurt you no matter what happens. You don’t have to worry anymore.” Long Ao assured as he gently stroked Qiao Chen’s face.

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