The Modern Entertainment World 6.2

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The doorbell rang, so Qiao Chen walked to the entrance and opened the door. Qiao Chen wasn’t surprised to see the face of the guilty traitor standing outside sullen.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” Xu Jiemin said with a gloomy face.

Qiao Chen thought about how dramatic Xu Jieming was acting. There were probably things he couldn’t say at the door, so Qiao Chen relented and allowed him in. The quicker he finished his spiel the quicker he’d leave.

Qiao Chen sat in the middle of the two-seater sofa in the living room and said, “There’s nowhere for you to have a seat. You can just stand there and tell me whatever you need to say.”

Xu Jieming knew that that Shu Qichen had rented this apartment after his father’s accident. However, this was the first time he had ever visited Shu Qichen. He looked at the small, bland, and cluttered living with some distain before he asked, “Did you run away from Mr. Li last night?”

“If I didn’t run away, then what else would I do? Stay and have him rape me?”

“I told you that I’d lend you the money for your operation. All you had to do was help me with a small favor like this. You just had to make Mr. Li happy. Well you couldn’t even do something so small like that that for me. To make matters worse, you’ve even offended the man. Didn’t you want to do the operation for your eye?” Xu Jieming interrogated angrily.

Li Huang had been drooling over Shu Qichen for a long time now. Xu Jieming was finally able to trick Shu Qichen into the hotel room. He had even drugged him to stop him from escaping. He had no idea how that Shu Qichen was be able to escape. All of the promises and agreements he made with Li Huang for the investment plans flew right out the window the moment Shu Qichen ran away. Xu Jieming was furious.

“Hmm… I don’t think I care about the surgery that much. However, aren’t you the one who’s very troubled because Mr. Li pulled his support?” Qiao Chen said carelessly.

“You don’t care?” Xu Jieming asked. He was surprised by Shu Qichen’s indifferent attitude about it. He remembered that Shu Qichen was the one who panicked at the news that he would lose his eyesight. If he hadn’t worked himself up in such frenzy, then Xu JIeming wouldn’t have been able to trick Shu Qichen into entering the hotel room all to make Li Huang ‘happy’. Why doesn’t it matter anymore?

“Why don’t you just cut to the chase? Do I need to rip it out of you? Hmm.. now would you try to threaten me by breaking up or would it be something else?” Qiao Chen goaded impatiently. His patience had run thin, and he didn’t want to see the man’s face anymore. He’ll collect the debt this mongrel owed him later in the future- too bad for him that the interest rate was quite high.

“You already know I’m here to break up with you?” Xu Jieming asked. He never would have even expected that Shu Qichen could guess about it. It was even more surprising that he didn’t even seem to care. Before this that debacle that ended in failure, Shu Qichen was the one who came to him. This was the same Shu Qichen who would probably even crawl on his knees for his assistance because of the debt collectors pounding on his doors after his father’s death.

“My dad’s already dead. I’ve sold every single one of my shares to you. You are the largest shareholder now. This isn’t even mentioning how you are the number one celebrity around. I even offended Mr. Li on your behalf. Would you come here to help me? I think it’s quite obvious that you’re here to break up with me since I’m no longer useful to you.”

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