Crossing Over Against a Transmigrator 4.14

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The Turkic King lost a high ranked general and two thousand of his elite soldiers within a single day. He was but of course filled with anger and heartache. He called Cheng Jingrui to explain everything clear up this mess. If he didn’t explain it well, then the Kind wanted to sentence him to a beheading.

Cheng Jingrui felt both shock and fear. He knew that there was something strange that happened with the Turkic soldiers and inwardly cursed Zhang Guangyao a thousand times in his heart. That man didn’t tell him that the gun cannons would blow up once they were ignited with fire. However, he couldn’t dwell on that right now. Cheng Jingrui repeatedly assured the Turkic King that he would help him destroy the Xiao army. Once the Xiao family and their army were destroyed, the promises and agreements according to their prior arrangements would be paid in full.

The Turkic King decided to believe in Cheng Jingrui once more in order to reap the benefits that Prince Yong An had promised him. Furthermore, he had put too much into this agreement, but still hadn’t received much benefit from it.


Qiao Chen’s pictures had been distributed throughout all of Luodu city. The people’s hatred of the Turkic people grew, while their views on the Xiao family and their army changed. Since the Xiao family was willing to fight and protect so fiercely, it didn’t matter to them as much whether the Xiao family really was a rebellious faction vying for the throne at the moment. These people were protecting them with their lives. On the other hand, the people began to think poorly of those scholars who pretended to be so noble and virtuous when all they could only enjoy the peaceful lives they cared for through the blood, sweat, and tears of the Xiao family’s army. They even had the gall to scorn and vilify the Xiaos even when they were still fighting at the border.

These albums were also delivered to Prince Yong An’s hands. Prince Yong An looked at each and every one of these images. All of them bore the mark of Qiao Chen’s seal. He knew that Qiao Chen went to the wall with the Xiao family, but he never expected that Qiao Chen’s purpose was to draw these pictures to help the Xiaos restore their honor and reputation. Prince Yong An angrily flung the photos against the book case. He was upset, but it didn’t matter to him if the Xiao family recovered their reputation. He believed that he was destined to ascend the throne no matter what happened.

It was late in the middle of the night. The city had gone completely dark. This was the time that most people needed to sleep, but the soldiers who guarded the city gates were patriotically standing their ground. They carefully and meticulously watched for movement from outside the city walls to prevent the enemy from using the dark of the night to sneak past the city defenses.

A dozen or so men were dressed in black were hidden in the shadows below. They silently and secretively snuck up the city wall under the cover of the night. Just as they were going to bring down the soldiers on guard from behind, someone beat them to the chase. A group of quicker people dragged the men in black into the shadows, but the soldiers standing guard still pretended to collapse.

Another group of men dressed in black were hiding in the shadows from further in the distance. They saw the signal light up on the gate and immediately rushed to the gates. They were planning on secretly opening the city gates as planned.

The moment the group of men in black brushed their fingers against the city gates, dozens of soldiers rushed forth from the dark and surrounded them.

A soldier lit a torch and illuminated the surrounding area. The men clad in black could no longer hide in the shadows. Xiao Qinan and Qiao Chen also came out of their hiding spots.

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