Mech Engineer: System V. System 2.13

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Auray wore his clothes. Then, he helped Qiao Chen pull back up the blanket that had slipped down to his waist. After, he leaned over and gave Qiao Chen a deep kiss. The half asleep Qiao Chen subconsciously hugged Auray’s neck. Qiao Chen felt a dull pain radiate from his waist and opened his eyes.

He looked closely at Auray and seriously asked, “Do you love me?”

“I love you.” Auray replied with no hesitation.

Qiao Chen didn’t want to have doubts about Auray’s love for him, so he turned off that good feelings pack. Qiao Chen thought about the course of events, and he also felt that Auray really did fall in love with him. However, the question that still emerged was: Why hadn’t the soul download activated yet?  Was it because I turned off the Good Will and Intimacy pack, so now it’ll take longer?


Eventually, several other countries from throughout the universe sent their own military fleets to the emerging planet system after they discovered news of the ores. This forced the third fleet to suspend operations until all the countries came to an agreement on how to divide the planets’ resources among themselves. However, such talks normally took a long time. Even if they had negotiations for a year or two, there was the possibility that they still wouldn’t come to an agreement. Therefore, the third and fifth fleet returned to their country.

The border would be guarded by the empire’s border control unit.

After returning to their country, the fifth fleet was quickly hit with disciplinary action. Not only was half of the year’s military expenditure deducted, but all those who participated in the mission were also demoted a rank. Furthermore, they were demanded to carry out three missions that were labeled as community services*.

(T/N: No awards/credits to their military career i.e. free labor)

Bachner’s offence of attempted robbery was upgraded to attempted murder when he decided to shove one of the country’s mech engineer while in a mission. For such a serious offence, he was removed from military service with a dishonorable discharge and sentenced to a five year incarceration.

Qiao Chen never knew what Greene said to Bachner. It could have been that he felt that he was at the end of his rope, but Bachner assumed all responsibility. He plead guilty to the charges and vehemently denied Greene’s involvement, insisting that he acted alone. Therefore, Greene didn’t suffer as severe punishments nor was he held liable.

Qiao Chen learned about the consequences and sighed. This guy… even though he was a dumb and impulsive fellow, he was deeply in love. It was just a pity that Greene didn’t even put Bachner on his radar.

After returning, Qiao Chen continued to work on and repair the Z-801. He had to leave abruptly, so there wasn’t time for him to compare and select the candidate for the mech’s testing either. Therefore, he had to analyze the data now that he could.


Qiao Chen was just about to log in to the Z-801’s mainframe for the final inspection when Auray came into the lab to look for him. He asked Auray if he wanted to go up to the cockpit together. Of course Auray cheerfully agreed.

“It took so long to finally come so close to fixing it.” Qiao Chen said. To be able to erase the greatest regret from his past life allowed Qiao Chen’s to feel quite satisfied. Once he finished this, he decided that he’d be able to throw himself into the next task.

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