The Power Of The Destroyer Will Extinguish The Flames!

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Y/N opens his eyes to see light peeking through the curtains. He looks around and realizes he's in his room.

Y/N: "How did I get here?" His door opens and Woz steps in. Y/N sits up when he sees him.

Woz: "Waga Maou, it's good to see you're up." Woz walks to the other side of the room and opens the curtains for the light to shine into the room.

Woz: "How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "...Sore."

Woz: "Are you hungry? I'm sure your uncle can make you something."

Y/N: "Woz...did we lose?" Woz sighs and walks up to Y/N.

Woz: "We had no choice. You and Issei were already at your limits. So we decided to forfeit the match."

Y/N: "You don't have to not say her name."

Woz: "I was only being considerate, Waga Maou."

Y/N: "Wait! Where's Asia!? Asia!" Y/N tries to get off his bed but Woz keeps him seated.

Woz: "Calm yourself, she is fine." The door flies open for Asia to run in.

Asia: "Y/N!" Asia jumps at Y/N hugging him.

Y/N: "Asia." Y/N pats Asia's head while his uncle walks in.

Junichiro: "Hey kid you okay?"

Y/N: "Uncle..."

Junichiro: "Woz told me what happened. You got beat up by your girlfriends fiancé. Man did you have to get a rich girl as a girlfriend?" Junichiro leaves the room not before yelling back.

Junichiro: "Also it's lunch time! There's food on the table!" Asia stops hugging Y/N.

Asia: "I'm so glad you're okay!" Asia starts to cry.

Y/N: "Hey hey I'm okay you don't need to cry." Y/N pets Asia's head.

Woz: "She thought the same thing happened to you, that happened to Issei."

Y/N: "What happened to Issei!?" Y/N forced to eat finally arrives at Issei's house with Asia and Woz. He walks inside Issei's room to see Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko.

Kiba: "Y/N you're awake!"

Akeno: "Oh my it's good to see you up." Koneko pulls on Y/N's sleeve for him to look at her.

Koneko: "I'm happy you're okay." Koneko blushes a little when she says this.

Y/N: "I'm also happy to see all of you okay but why are you here?"

Kiba: "Issei hasn't woken up since last night."

Akeno: "The Boosted Gear did a large toll on his body. We have been checking up on him every hour to make sure nothing else bad happens."

Y/N: "What about his parents?"

Akeno: "I casted a little magic to make them think he's sick and he's resting."

Kiba: "Let's hope he wakes up soon." Everyone is standing outside Issei's house.

Akeno: "Are you coming to school tomorrow Y/N?"

Y/N: "Oh I'm fine now so yes ill be at school tomorrow."

Kiba: "Well I have some things to do at home I'll see you all tomorrow." Kiba waves goodbye as he walks away.

Akeno: "I'll keep on checking on Issei's condition and Y/N...." Y/N looks at Akeno.

Akeno: "....don't push yourself too hard okay?"

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