I Choose You To Be My Master! Oni And Devil Together At Last

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(Authors Notes: I want everyone to know I haven't watched Hibiki so I know nothing about the series. Sorry if I get some things wrong for Hibiki. I haven't watched old Heisei expect Decade. The ones I have watched are Zi-O, Build, Ex-Aid, Ghost, Gaim, and Decade. I'm currently watching OOO's and Drive. I hope I don't get anything wrong for the Riders I don't know and if I do, I apologize.)

Y/N is on his computer typing away when he hears someone knock on his door.

Y/N: "Come in!" Asia opens the door and walks in.

Asia: "Um Y/N...your uncle wants to talk to you."

Y/N: "Hm? About what?"

Asia: "Woz..."

Y/N: "Woz?" Y/N turns to Asia for her to nod to him.

Y/N: "Ok let me finish this." Y/N types that he has to go to school but he'll write back soon.

Asia: "What you doing?"

Y/N: "Writing to my pen pal."

Asia: "You have a pen pal?" Y/N stands up and grabs his bag.

Y/N: "Yeah I never really had any friends at my old school. So I was online and found a chat room and that's how I met "Gabriel8"

Asia: "Gabriel...like the archangel?"

Y/N: "Yeah but not the real one it's just a username."

Asia: "Username?"

Y/N: "You don't know much about computers?" Asia shakes her head no.

Y/N: "Ha ha I guess I'll teach you about them. They're very useful." Y/N and Asia walk into the kitchen to see Woz in an apron and his uncle Junichiro telling Woz he needs to leave.

Y/N: "Woz what are you doing?"

Junichiro: "You know this guy, Y/N!?"

Woz: "Waga Maou I have been preparing your breakfast."

Y/N: "Ah thanks and yeah I know him uncle he's my retainer."

Junichiro: "Retainer? Y/N how do you know this guy isn't some weirdo?"

Asia: "He's not a bad person Junichiro-San." Asia gives Junichiro an innocent look making him blush.

Junichiro: "Uh...hmmm...Fine just don't break into our house...Woz right?"

Woz: "Yes."

Junichiro: "And I cook the food in this house." Junichiro takes the spatula from Woz.

Y/N: "That's one thing you should let uncle do himself." Woz takes the apron off and bows to Junichiro. After eating breakfast with Woz, Y/N and Asia head to school. During lunch time Y/N is helping a group of girls with a few things when Sona walks by.

Sona: "Hm? That's strange Y/N's power seems stronger...Y/N."

Y/N: "Oh hi Sona." Y/N waves to her as she walks towards him. The girls thank Y/N and leave.

Sona: "Has anything happened to you?" Y/N stares at her and thinks.

Y/N: "Hmmmm I haven't gotten lost as many times I do."

Sona: "And how many is that?"

Y/N: ".....A lot..." Sona stares at him then laughs.

Sona: "Ha ha ha! Why are you so cute?" Y/N blushes when she tells him this. Sona then realizes what she said and stops laughing by clearing her throat.

Sona: "Be more careful Y/N and...I meant what I said." Sona's face is red as she leaves making Y/N's face go beet red. After school is finished Y/N heads to the club room to prepare to hand out flyers with Issei and Asia.

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