Kamen Rider! Devil! Best Match?

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Y/N is eating breakfast while his uncle is cooking his own food.

Y/N: "Hey uncle *munch*"

Junichiro: "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Y/N: "Sorry....I was wondering if it's ok if I can get a motorcycle licenses?" Junichiro finishes cooking and places his food on the table.

Junichiro: "A motorcycle licenses?" Junichiro sits in his chair and thinks about it.

Junichiro: "You are 17 so you can take the test but why do you want one?" Y/N stares at his uncle not sure what to say so he shrugs.

Junichiro: "Oh I get it you wanna impress those girls at your school huh?" Junichiro winks at Y/N as he blushes.

Y/N: "No that's not...what I intend to do." Junichiro chuckles to himself as Y/N gets ready to leave.

Junichiro: "It's ok kid you don't have to be embarrassed. We'll go this weekend alright?" Y/N opens the door to go to school.

Y/N: "Alright have a nice day at work!"

Junichiro: "You too kid!" Y/N walks around his uncles car to see a watch where the motorcycle used to be. Y/N picks it up and places it in his bag and heads to school. Y/N is walking down the street when he almost bumps into someone from around the corner.

Y/N: "Woah sorry....Issei?"

Issei: "Y/N?" Y/N and Issei stare at each other for a few seconds. A cuckoo clock sound goes off.

Y/N: "......Did I get lost again? But I pasted the house with a poodle I should be going the right way...."

Issei: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Y/N: "Did you live around here Issei?"

Issei: "Yeah why?"

Y/N: "So I em going the right way!" Issei just awkwardly stares at Y/N.

Rias: "Oh hello there Y/N." Rias appears from behind Issei.

Y/N: "Rias-Senpai, do you also live around here too?"

Rias: "Oh no I stayed at Issei's house for the night. We should get going we don't wanna be late." Y/N walks with Rias and Issei.

Whispering Issei: "Hey Y/N?"

Y/N: "What?"

Whispering Issei: "Shhhh don't be so loud."

Whispering Y/N: "What?"

Whispering Issei: "You won't believe what I saw this morning!" Issei has a perverted face.

Whispering Y/N: "Rias?"

Whispering Issei: "Yeah Rias' boobs!" Y/N makes an unamused face.

Whispering Y/N: "Really Issei?"

Whispering Issei: "I'm telling the true you jealous?" Y/N jogs up to Rias ignoring Issei.

Issei: "Hey!"

Y/N: "Rias-senpai what exactly is going on?"

Rias: "I will tell you in do time Y/N. Also you should wait for your retainer he'll want to know too." Rias pokes the tip of Y/N's nose. Y/N, Rias, and Issei arrive at Kuoh Academy. All the arriving students look at Y/N, Rias, and Issei whispering about who Rias is with.

Guys:"H-How?!" "Impossible! Not with that guy!"

Girls: "That vulgar brute of all people!" "No big sister Rias..."

Guys: "Wait a minute Y/N is walking besides Rias." "You're right then she's with him not Issei!"

Girls: "Issei must of just gotten here at the same time as Rias." "That's exactly it! Y/N is a so much better than Issei!"

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