Chapter 9: His weird Impulses (2) 19+ Part

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In the midst of exchanging of greetings with some nobles, the music stopped signaling that it is now the highlight of the main event which where the emperor will announce the wedding engagement of the two.

"Good evening everyone. I thank you all for coming tonight as you may already know my one and only nephew Adroushan Orton finally wants to settle down with the woman he love."

Listening to the voice of the emperor, Anika control the surge of laugh inside of her, Adroushan only looked at anika noticing a light twitch on the corner of her mouth, the embarrassment that his uncle announced make him wanted to escape the place as soon as possible.

"ehem, As you may know that wasn't true"

"I know it in the first place you don't have to tell me" Anika respond to his statement she didn't even expect anything from him.

"Let us congratulate the two of them" The emperor finally ended his useless speech. everyone lift their glasses up and the music continue again. It is now time to dance. The emperor first appears to the dance floor with his daughter, it is tradition to the empire that the men should first dance with their Wife, Sister, Daughter, or lover so Adroushan and Anika should also do it.

"May we?" Adroushan lend his hand to Anika, They should also do it as they are the main character inside of the hall and should act as if they are real lovers

Anika only snigger and let Adroushan lead the way


The Adroushan looked on her eyes as he led the dance but Anika shows hostility and look somewhere else.

"You know that it is so unladylike when you don't look to your partner" Adroushan reprimand her because of her behaviour his hands on her waist tightened

Anika felt the tightness of pressure around her waist she tries to ignore it but somehow it made her aroused

"I apologized" her ears now bright red, fixing her posture and dance with flow of adroushan, they didn't notice the absence of edgy ambiance but instead they were now in- sync.

Anika promised that she will exit the hall after she dance with Duke but Adroushan only stick with her wherever she goes. She decided to go to the balcony that was attached far away from the main hall.

"Do you still have business with me Duke? I'm afraid that we should part ways right now" Anika only lean to the railings sipping to her wine

Adroushan was shock because of the indirect confrontation; he didn't realize himself that he tails with her.

"I thought we should stick together" Adroushan Brushing off the statement she threw at him.

"What I mean is when we are still in the presence of his Majesty, now that he is not here you can go now, and besides there is someone who is waiting for you"

"Then who may it be?"

"Your lover I guess?" Anika was annoyed when he act oblivious, she thought that after the dance he would finally go with his lover but it was the opposite.

Anika notice his silence so she decided not to butt in with his business it seems so he doesn't want to talk about the baron

Adroushan was also leaning to the railing his gaze only staring up to the moon. Anika swirls her wine glass and observe his side profile

'He looks so innocent'

When she realized what she has thought she immediately focuses somewhere else.

"Why are you wearing that kind of cloth" Finally Adroushan looked at her breaking the comfortable silence.

"Why can't I?"

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