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My eyes burnt from the tears that continously slipped from them. I dragged my body to the shower. I went to bed crying last night and I woke up crying again. It's like the pain never ends. I showered slowly and walked out making sure to change into a tshirt that hung on my body and a sweatpants. I threw on my sweater as well. It was still rather cold to be walking without one. I saw Cole yesterday and nothing could stop me from feeling like the end of the world was near.

My body burnt with every step. If I hadn't promise Hazel I would go out with her, I would not have gotten up out of bed at all. I sighed and made a light sandwich. I ate quickly then took pills for my growing headache. Crying all night can do that to you. I sighed and grabbed my cigarette and stared at it. I had made a promise to Cole that I would stop smoking. I chuckled slightly. Even without being with him, I still think about what he wants. I placed back the cigarette and just grabbed my essentials before walking out.

My mind drifted to all my friends. Samuel was doing rather good for himself these days. After the incident with Dino, he offered to clear up things with the police for me. I spoke to them and showed them the evidence I had stored away when i hacked Dino. I told them my story and how to find Charlie. I also told them how to find all the slaves Dino had. I told them about the kidnapping and Cole spoke to them but I never actually saw him at the station.

Samuel even got himself a boyfriend. Marcus and Michael were gonna fly back to the states to visit their parents. The FBI wanted to speak to them and they even spoke to me as well. All things considered, it went rather well. Jamie was still around but less. It seemed like he had his own love issues to deal with. Paris had come clean about everything to Cole and she left right after. I sighed. The only one left was Hazel and Cole. Hazel was relatively fine as she took care of everything I needed. Cole however, was not.

I got in my car and drove to the cafe. Samuel was the first to bring me here but soon, it became our place. All my friends came here. The ride was short and soon I was face to face with the Cafe sign. I was already reconsidering going inside but I made this trip so it would be a shame to not go. But on the other hand, I really don't enjoy being in the presence of others. I sighed and pushed open the door. The smell of coffee and baked products welcomed me. My eyes quickly found the red head who was waving frantically at me. Someone was before her but I couldn't see them.

I walked over towards Hazel and sat down next to her. I didn't even spare the person a look. Mostly because I wasn't interested. My head was spinning and my ears rung. I felt like I could collapse at any second. My body felt like another's. I held onto the table as to steady myself. I sighed as Hazel rubbed my back.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I looked at her and smiled a bit.

"Yea I'm just a bit drained." I said.

It was the truth but not the full truth. I wasn't physically drained, I was emotionally and mentally drained and that made my body weak and limp. I looked up with a fake smile to say hello to the person in front of me; my breathe hitched in the process.

Cole was sitting before me with a cup of coffee in his hands. He still looked as handsome as ever. But now that we were so close, you could see bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. His eyes themselves were dull and emotionless. His hair was unkept and his face sported a frown. He was growing a subtle, making his chin rough and jagged. His usual lean and muscular body, looked like he lost tons of weight. Cole stared at me as if he was processing how I looked as well. Not being able to say anything, I looked down just as soon as the tears fell from my eyes. I cursed myself mentally for crying before him.

"Well, I think you two have a lot to discuss. I'll see you later then." Hazel said as she got up to leave. I was silently pleading for her not to go but she ignored my cries.

After Hazel left we both just remained silent. Neither of us knew what to say or if we did, we didn't know how to say it. I sighed causing Cole to look at me. I turned my head before speaking.

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now. I'm sorry. I didn't know what Hazel planned." The small dot on the table was far more interesting than his hard gaze.

"I did want to see you." He said in a small voice.

That one sentence made me so hopeful. If he did want to see me, doesn't this mean he still wants us? Maybe I actually stood a chance with him. Maybe I could regain some happiness in my life. I tried not to get my hopes up.

"So uh, how have you been?" I asked rather dumbly. Cole looked down.

"Not so good. I tried to process everything but I just can't. I tried to hate you and I can't." He said. I sighed. My dreams have been successful crushed. Just a little bit.

"That's okay. Once I'm out of your life, you can find all the energy to hate me," I smiled but it never reached my eyes, "Cole this is long overdue. I'm sorry for all the pain and hurt I cost you. I'm sorry for all the time you thought I was being truthful. I'm sorry but I think we should b-"

Next thing I knew Cole's lips was mashed against mine. It felt warm and welcoming. My eyes closed as I thought this would be the last time I had this opportunity. His lips took the lead which I happily followed. When his tongue grazed my bottom lip, I didn't try and prolong it. My lips parted giving him access to shove his tongue in my mouth. I moaned softly as we continued. I almost forgot we were in the cafe. Cole slowly pulled away, both of us breathless.

"You're not breaking up with me." His statement was firm yet he seemed so vulnerable. It left no room for discussion so all I could do was simply nod. Cole eased back into his seat, "I'm sorry I took so long to process everything. I didn't want to believe it because I felt like I fell in love with someone I don't know. It had me questioning everything. But even if your name changes and your situation is different, you're still the same person. I was wrong for lashing out at you like that especially when I said it would be okay if you didn't tell me your past. I hope you can forgive me."

I looked at him with the same words replaying over and over and over again in my head. I fell in love with someone I don't know. I hesitantly placed my hand over his.

"I think you had every right to lash out at me. We don't keep secrets from the people we care about. But I'm glad you came around. Maybe we could start over?"

Cole looked at me and smiled making me smile as well. He intertwined our fingers.

"I would like that." He said. I smiled deciding to go first.

"Hi. My name is Hayden Jade Ryder. My mom died when I was young and I got caught up in some shitty things. I have a twin sister name Hazel Sapphire Stanford and a half brother name Jordan Ryder and a half sister name Jessica Ryder. I'm 19 years old and 5'5. I work as a bartender while going to college to study Culinary. And I'm in love with a guy by the name of Cole Kenneth Antonio Jackson."

Cole smiled.

"Hey Hayden. My name is Cole Kenneth Antonio Jackson. I live by myself. I have a mom, Loretta and 2 younger siblings, Catherine and Christoph. My older brother died of leukemia. My father and I don't talk since he has been getting drunk after my brother's death. I'm 24 and doing my final year in Arts and Business. I work at a cafe part time. I'm 6'5 and I am madly in love with this guy whose name is Hayden Ryder." He said looking at me.

I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and then he kisses me once again.

"Don't ever leave me. Please?" I asked holding on to his shirt. He kissed my cheek.

"I don't plan to."

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now