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Song: The Scientist (From Fifty Shades Darker) by Corinne Bailey Rae


2 months later

My head spun as I rose from my slumber. It's been two months since I last saw Cole and everyday the pain only felt worst. Exactly two months. When I wake up, there are a few seconds that I feel at peace and I begin to think that maybe all this was just a bad dream but then reality crashes like a train. I turned off my blaring alarm and took out a cigarette from my draw. I didn't feel like doing anything. It was a miracle how I still went to work and school.

It was currently February. Valentine's day was four days away and I saw couples everywhere. It was a constant reminder that I was alone again in this cold world. I diffused my cigarette and finally decided on taking a shower. It was a struggle considering I had no energy to do anything plus today was Monday. Luckily I had no classes on campus today but I still have online class and work later on. I quickly showered and dragged on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I moved my body to the kitchen but I soon realized I was out of food.

I was debating whether I wanted to leave my house or not. Yes I wanted food cause I haven't ate in 3 days but I also wasn't hungry. I sighed and grabbed my keys and wallet and put on my sneakers. I didn't need Hazel drilling me about not eating again. I opened the door but was shocked to see someone standing there. The girl was petite and immediately I recognized her. She was the girl that was following me around.

"I'm glad you are home. Do you have a minute?" She spoke in an odd voice. It was like she had an accent but I couldn't pick it up. I nodded letting her in. I guess food was just gonna have to wait.

"What brings you here? Your the last person I expected to see at my doorstep." I said to her as I sat on the couch and lit my cigarette. She followed after me.

"I realized that. I just want you to know that I have nothing against you."

"Kinda hard to believe. You were following me around." I said to her. I was too tired to glare or hate her. Everything was just too tiring.

"I had a job to do and I did it." She said.

"A job that placed my life in danger." I said. She sighed.

"I'm sorry. My job was just to observe you and find out what you were doing. When I found out Dino's plan, I wanted to warn you but the code of silence prevented that. You know that." She said. I sighed and diffused my cigarette.

"Look Gwen, I've known you for quite some time. And I know your job. I don't hold any grudges against you. I can't even find it in myself to hate you. But trust me, I knew you could have come to me and warned me. We both know you could have done that. You saw me getting close to someone and you told him about the person. That's just something I can't forgive." I said looking at her. She sighed.

"I know that. I'm really sorry. I should have stuck by you instead of blindly following orders."

I sighed and ruffled her hair.

"I should have known it was you. Don't worry about it. It's in the past." I said. She nodded.

I never noticed that it was Gwen following me around all this time. Gwen is Dino's best assassin. She was good because she knew how to blend in. All this time, those feelings I felt of someone watching me was her. The lady/girl I bumped into on the bus, was her. Gwen looked at her feet. I sighed. She had a personality disorder. When she doing her job, she was a different person. She was fierce, confident, narcissistic but after all that, she was timid, shy and gentle like a baby. We met after I was sold. She was the only person I really talked to. We lived in two different worlds but now, she was free.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked her. She looked up and fiddled with her fingers.

"I think I'm gonna finally go to counseling and see if I can try and fit into this world. I met a guy that I really like, so I want to be better for him. I'm leaving to head to Spain tonight actually." She said as a red blush creeped up her neck. I smiled but couldn't smile genuinely. The thought of her having love and me being lonely was...., lonely.

"That's good. I guess you came by to make amends and say goodbye?" I said already knowing the answer. She nodded before standing to face me.

"Yes. I'm really sorry again Hayden. I hope to be a better person someday. Maybe then we will meet again." She said.

I stepped towards her and hugged her.

"Just take care of yourself. That's all you need to do."

She hugged me tightly before me both separated. She nodded and said goodbye and walked out the door. I sighed. Maybe I should have complained or be angry with her but I just couldn't find the heart to do it. It wasn't her fault Dino came after me. It was mine. I was the one who ran away. I was the one who invited Cole into my life


I clenched my shirt as a sharp pain jabbed through my chest. I wanted to see him, to talk to him or even get the chance to hold him but I couldn't. I took up back my keys and wallet and phone and left the house. I needed to do something to stop me from thinking about him too much. My phone rang making me groan as soon as I reached the supermarket.


"Hayden! I've been trying to call you for days! Where are you?" Hazel asked. I sighed.

"I'm at the supermarket. I'm getting some groceries so I can make food." I said.

"So you are finally eating? That's good Hayden!" She said. I sighed but silently smiled.

"Uh huh." I said absentmindedly as I took up some groceries.

"So I was thinking, if you feel up to it, maybe we can go to the beach or a club? It would be so much fun." Hazel said excitedly.

I sighed before my eyes locked with the one person I thought I would never see. He stood there looking as beautiful as ever. His jet black hair was ruffled like he couldn't bother. He stood looking at the different sugars. He wore a black jeans and a black shirt that clung to his body. He took up a sugar before turning to walk. It seemed like time froze. He was staring back at me with so much emotions swirling through his eyes. My mouth opened but no words formed.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours before Cole turned and left the store, my eyes never once leaving his retreating form. Nothing mattered right now. I got the opportunity. I could have said something. Anything. But instead a stood there like a frozen statue. New tears rolled down my cheek.

"Hayden? Hello? Hello????!!" A voice yelled. I shook my head and wiped my tears.

"I'm here."

"What happened?" Hazel asked.

I sighed not knowing how to answer her.

"I just got distracted. That's it." I said.

I looked back at the door to see if he was coming back inside but no one. I sighed and hurriedly finish shopping and headed home. Suddenly, I wasn't in the mood to try and force myself to eat again.


Awww. What do you guys think about Gwen? She was a part of the story before. I'm not really sure I agree with her logics. Why stalk someone knowing they are going to get killed but you still do? Especially when they are your acquaintance? But then again, her job life has a different personality from her home life. So I guess I could understand that though.

Breakup pains are hard. The mere fact that you guys are separated is extremely difficult to handle. I just hope our baby will be alright.

Well remember

And share!!!


His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora