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2 months later

"Cole, stop it!" I groaned.

"I don't wanna." He replied.

I rolled my eyes at his antics. Cole was currently distracting me from my studies. I couldn't have that. I had exams fast approaching. Cole tucked a strand from my face as I groaned.

"You shouldn't be so stressed out." He said running his fingers against my cheek. I sighed.

"I'm not that stressed Cole. I just need to study. After my exams, I'll have more time to relax." I said moving his hands. He frowned slightly.

"Let me take you out to dinner. Just for tonight. Call it a support dinner for your exams." He said. I sighed and then smiled.

"Fine. Just for tonight though." I said. I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips.

Cole got up and kissed my lips softly. I smiled and gripped his hand that cupped my cheek.

"I'll pick you up at 7. Try getting some rest and finish studying before." He said. I nodded and smiled as he left the comfort of my house.

The past two months Cole and I have been spending more time with each other. I've decided to stop running from what I was feeling and all the fears I had and just go with the flow. Cole often spent his free time at my house, which he seemed to have alot of recently. Today was a friday night. Luckily I got the night off since exams were so close. I glanced at the clock. 5:15. It's best I start cleaning up and getting ready.

I packed up my books neatly and cleaned up my room. I decided to wear a blue button up shirt and a black jean pants. An hour had passed when I finished cleaning up. I quickly showered and changed my clothing. I put on my black sneakers. I rustled my blond hair and grabbed my essentials. I beeped came from downstairs. I quickly left home ensuring to lock up before heading downstairs. I climbed into Cole's car.

"Where are we going?" I said clasping my seatbelt.

"My house."

"Did you forget something there?"

"No. That's where we having dinner." He said beaming. I smiled.

"I could have drove myself you know. I know where you live." I said.

"I know but tonight is a bit different. I'm making you meet the rest of my family." Cole said. I looked at him confused before everything registered. I had already met Cayden. I smiled.

"I'm honoured but isn't this a bit too soon?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Don't worry. They know almost everything." He said. I smiled softly as the car came to a stop. We got out of the car and Cole took my hand in his and intertwined our hands. I smiled softly.

Everything seemed so right. This felt good. I enjoyed this feeling. Was I happy? I was beginning to feel that way. Cole opened the door.

"Mom! I'm home!" He yelled. I chuckled at him.

"I'm in the kitchen sweetie!" A voice yelled.

Cole smiled as we walked into the kitchen. He still held onto my hand. Our fingers still intertwined. A small woman with jet black hair was busy away cooking. Two other children, one boy and one girl, was with her helping her. The woman face lit up as it seemed like she enjoyed doing what she did. Her black hair was wavy and followed in locks. The boy was taller but not as tall as Cole. He had broad shoulders and a lean but muscular frame. His hair was brown but he had the same brown eyes as his mother. The girl was preparing the salad. She was small but taller than the woman. She had the same brown hair as her mother but she held the same sliver grey eyes as her brother even though hers was darker. I assumed their father had brown hair and sliver grey eyes. The woman looked up at us.

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora