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"Austin! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" A voice yelled.

I groaned rolling onto my side and covering my ears. I snuggled back into bed. It was way too early to wake up. Plus, I had gotten home after 5, so it was only natural for me to sleep in. Another voice chuckled.

"He got home late Haz. I think we can make him sleep a bit longer." Another voice said.

I groaned and sat upright throwing the pillow at Hazel. I was half awake now. I couldn't will myself to go back to sleep. But I wasn't ready to get up as yet. I walked into my closet and took out a sweatpants and a t-shirt and underwear heading to the bathroom glaring at the intruders that were now at the doorway of my room.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Intruder 2 said. I glared at him. I headed into the bathroom and quickly showered. I dragged on my oufit and walked out heading to the living room. I glanced at the clock. 9:15. I glared again at the intruders before walking to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Aww come on. You can't really be giving me the silent treatment." Intruder 1 said. I glared at her before retiring back to find food, "Cole! Do something!" She whined.

I slammed the fridge after taking out my fruit bowl. I sat on my couch and silently are my fruits. Cole sat beside me cautiously. I watched him munching on my apple slice.

"I know your not a morning person and I know I took you home late last night." He started. I glared at him. So if you knew that, why the fuck are you here?!

"You took him home late? Huh? Why wasn't I told about this?" Hazel asked. Cole glared at her.

"Not now Haz." Cole said, "but as I was saying, I know I did all that. But we planned to head to the beach today. By we I meant Hazel, Jamie and I. Hazel said you loved the beach so we came to ask/get you." He said.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a happy kid cause Cole was smiling. I looked at Hazel to confirm his story and she only smiled and nodded. Maybe getting up this early was worth it. I looked at him and smiled.

"Okay." I said smiling. Hazel squealed.

"Now that the scary part is over, you need to pack and quickly. Mom got us into the hottest beach with VIP tickets. So hurry!" She said. I smiled and rushed off to pack a bag.

Soon after I was finished and we headed out. Oh, I almost forgot. You wondered how they entered my house in the first place? That's a simple answer. Hazel has a spare key to my apartment. I gave her after our date night. We walked downstairs and I saw Jamie leaned against his car. He looked up from his phone.

"You guys are still living?" He asked laughing. Hazel smacked him upside his head.

"I told you. Everything was fine. As long as we had Cole." She said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well gentle folks. Let's get moving."

We hoped into his car while Cole climbed onto his bike. I placed my bag in the trunk.

"Your riding with me love." Cole said throwing an helmet my direction. I smiled.

"I was counting on it." I said fastening my helmet and climbing onto his bike. I clasped my hands around his waist. He looked at me and smiled. He turned to Hazel and Jamie that were already in his car.

"We'll see you guys there!" He yelled revving his bike. Hazel nodded.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She yelled over the bikes roar. Cole smirked and dashed off.

"What wouldn't you do?" He yelled as if they were right beside us. I chuckled.


I climbed off Cole's bike and handed him the helmet. A few minutes after, Jamie's car came into view. Hazel smiled and hoped outside walking over towards us. My back faced Cole as his figure towered over me.

"You guys got here fast. I thought you would have detoured." Hazel said. I glared at her.

"I was thinking about it." Cole said. I smacked him upside his head.

"You both need Jesus." I said walking to grab my bag.

"I bet it will happen soon though." Jamie whispered in my ears. I glared at him before looking at Cole who was engrossed in conversation with Hazel. I took up his bag as well as mine.

"Maybe." I said walking back to him. I threw his bag at him. He clutched it chuckling at how harsh I threw it. Hazel smiled at me.

"Don't worry. I am not stealing him from you." She said laughing. She walked back to get her stuff. We all walked towards the closet off section of the beach. We stood waiting while Hazel went to sort us out. After serveral minutes, we went and placed our stuff down. We changed and soon we were all enjoying ourselves.

"Who last reached the water pays for food!" Jamie yelled taking off. My eyes glanced at Cole as my feet dashed towards the water. The sand crumbled under my feet as I ran. Cole dashed before me. I jumped into the water. The liquid covering my entire figure. I resurfaced moving my wet hair from my eyes laughing. Cole stood before me in the water.

He smiled at me pushing his wet hair back. I bit my lip subconsciously. Cole looked at me and gripped my waist pulling me towards him. I looked at him blushing lightly. It felt as if we were the only ones here. My mind acted on its own accord and I found myself allowing my hands to be wrapped around his neck. I pulled him down to my height and attached my lips to his.

Cole responded immediately as his grip tightened around my waist. His tongue brushed my bottom lip and I denied him access. He gripped my ass making me moan. His tongue slipped inside my mouth and soon, we were having an all out tongue war. With one final nibble of my lip, he pulled back slowly to allow his to catch some much needed air. I blushed starting at his chest avoiding his eyes at all costs. Cole placed his first her under my chin and raised my head to look at him. He captured my lips once more and pulled away.

"I love kissing you." He said. I blushed furiously. My stomach did somersaults.

Water splashed at us and I hid my face from the impact. I glared at the person who ruined our moment. They laughed at us. I glanced and Cole and we both smirked. We splashed the water harder making the droplets fall quickly. Hazel stepped back falling under the water quickly. We all stopped and laughed. This was the most fun I have had in a while.

"Alright! Alright! You guys win!" She yelled resurfacing. Cole high-fived me smiling.

"Well lovebirds, it's time for us to go eat." Jamie said. I blushed looking down as Cole scratched his head.

It was not hard to guess that Cole and I had some sort of feelings for each other. But none of us acted on it. And I liked that. We could do whatever we wanted to with no strings attached. No one getting hurt. We both held a mutual understanding about what we wanted. He didn't ask what we were and I never needed to know what we were. No strings attached.

I sighed. That is what I wanted to believe but truth was, I wanted to know what we were. I wanted to prevent myself from hurt. I didn't even know if he genuinely likes me. We did hook up before. He probably just wants a sexual relationship. That's what my mind started to think.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of over thinking.

I shrugged off the feeling heading towards our area. I wasn't going to get answers by just thinking. I needed to ask him. I would ask him. Soon. I'm sure of it.

I spun around as I felt eyes on me. It was the same feeling from last night. I looked frantically around the beach. No one was paying close attention to me. I searched for the pair of eyes but no one on the beach was watching me. Nothing.

"You okay?" Cole asked me smiling. I turned to him and smiled deciding to ignore my paranoid feeling.

"Yea, I'm fine."


How are you my darlings? I hope you are well. Not much to say today but quick shout out to my girl Jjpeacesmile I hope your feeling well my baby.




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