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I walked towards the stage, collecting my certificate that showed that I was no longer a high school student. I was now a graduate. I smiled shaking the principal's hand. I was proud of myself. I managed to get a lot of offers and the valedictorian of this year. The crowd clapped as I took the stage. To be honest, I didn't know what to say to them. I was unprepared as always. What? I had work last night. I adjusted to mic to my form and cleared my throat.

"Good evening everyone." My voice flattered and I cleared it again, "I apologize. I'm a bit nervous and I did not prepare a speech. I'm probably the most unprepared Valedictorian." I said as the crowd laughed. My eyes scanned over the crowd.

"Four years ago, I entered Draton High School as a freshman. Or that's what I would have liked to say but the truth is, I transferred to Draton during my sophomore year. Then, I was regarded as a freshman seeing as how I was only 5'0. Everyone thought I mixed up my classes." The crowd laughed, "but during that time, my journey had begun. And it has taught me the most.

By the time I got to junior year and managed to grow a couple inches, life was in full swing. Junior was the time I had discovered who I was and who I wanted to be. Amidst the casual banter between us children, the countless detentions and the hopeless attempts made to get laid, most if not all of us, were discovering who we wanted to become. Then came senior year, we were finally maturing and God did our parents like that idea.

Today, we graduate as proud students of the Draton High School. I'm sure everyone was waiting for this day, I know I was." I said earning a chuckle from the crowd, "but looking past that, we are no longer children. We have climbed to the stage where we must say farewell to our childhood. But let that not discourage you. As I stand before you today, I urge you, go out and enjoy yourself. You only get to live once. For those of us that haven't fallen in love yet, go fall in love. For those of us that haven't had a drink in a while, get drunk." I guy yelled 'fuck yea!' which earned a laugh from the crowd. I continued.

"For those of us who have not experienced any lost, it will happen. And for those of us who haven't discovered who we want to be as yet, discover you now. You have now reached the part of life where we will go through life at full speed. It will not stop to accommodate us. Time will not stop because you're in pain. Time will not stop because you lose someone you love. Cold but it's the hard truth. But I encourage you, let not those moments discourage you. Let not those moments falter you. Let those moments build you and make you stronger than you already are.

For those moments will come as a test. Those moments will look at you and say 'Bitch, I dare you to give up.' But you have to look those moments in the eye and tell it that guess what, I'm here to stay and there is nothing it can do about it. Graduates of Draton High, I encourage you to take life by force. Create a massive storm that no one will ever see coming and live life to the fullest. I'm a happy person. Cause I stand here, getting to see all the raw potential each of you carry with you. And I want to say that in the next 20 years, I can look at my Tv and go 'Oh, I know that guy.' Or 'Oh, I used to be in the same class as her.'

With that, I leave you today. Expecting that some storms will be created. Good luck fellow graduates. May God be with us."

I stepped down from the stage as cheers erupted from around the room. My eyes scanned the room and Cole was here with Jamie who was wolf whistling at me. I laughed heading back to my seat. Soon the ceremony was over and I was walking towards a very happy Hazel. I smiled at her and her mom. Gloria hugged me. I smiled.

"I'm so proud of you. Your mother would be even prouder." She said as her thick Mexican accent came out. I smiled and only nodded. I turned towards Hazel as she jumped onto me. I stepped back before wrapping my hands around her. She was a bit shorter than me so it was easy to steady myself.

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