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I chuckled lightly as I got off the bike and handed Cole his helmet. It was now summer, so I had more days to work and more hours. I was glad. It meant more pay and an easier way to survive. Cole looked at me with his signature smirk. He has his hair through his messy black hair.

"What time do you get off work?" He asks.

"Around 2. You don't have to worry about picking me up. Jamie said he would." I said fixing my bag properly on my back.

"How about you let me pick you up? Just for tonight?" He asks pleading. I smiled looking at him.

"Sure." I said. He smiled and took off leaving me to chuckle to myself. I hurried inside to work dealing with the customers as they came. Time flew by and before I knew it, Cole was outside waiting on me. I smiled and walked up towards him quickly getting on his bike and fastening the helmet.

"Ready?" He asked sliding the glasses part of the helmet over his eyes. I smiled and wrapped my hands around his waist.


And with that he sped down the streets. We drove down the streets towards Towering Lane. After around 15 minutes of riding, we came to an halt. Cole parked the bike and I got off giving him his helmet. He placed them both on the bike and reached for my hand.

"Don't turn around yet." He said. I nodded still facing him and the bike. He walked behind me and gripped my hand tight. I smiled and fiddled with anxiousness. He sighed as if to calm himself down. "Now turn around." I nodded turning around to face him. Cole moved to my side and my jaw dropped in awe.

We were standing near the cliff and the stars lit up the night in array. It was almost like I could touch the sky myself. A nice picnic basket was laid near the tree with a blanket. I willed myself not to cry. But I wanted to so badly. Cole's fingers brushed my cheek as he lead me towards the basket.

"It's beautiful. Did you all this yourself?" I asked him. He nodded shyly and scratched his head.

"Yea. I figured you haven't really had time to yourself so I thought why not?" He said shrugging. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." I smiled softly sitting on the soft blanket. Cole smiled. No one has ever thought about doing something like this for me. It was refreshing and nice. Maybe the world wasn't such a dark place.

"I'm glad you like it. Maybe now you won't be so stressed." He said.

"This was really thoughtful of you. I haven't had a chance to star at the stars in ages." I said looking up. Cole handed me a sandwich which I gladly took. I didn't have a chance to eat before leaving home and I couldn't eat at work.

"Well I'm glad I could you joy." He said looking at me. I averted my eyes back to they sky. My stomach erupted with butterflies and suddenly, I was feeling all giddy inside. Us being here, together, was harmless. He was just taking me out to clear my mind. So why did I feel like this was my first date or something? I felt like a teenage girl when her crush asked her out. I focused my attention at the stars.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I asked still looking at the stars.

"Yea. It is." He said. I could feel his heated gaze on me and I wondered if he actually was talking about the stars. We are in silence. The air was feeling a bit chilly so I rubbed my hands together to form heat. Cole shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around my body. I'm comparison to his frame, one could easily think I was a girl. I smiled and thanked him. For the rest of the time, we starred at the stars and talked about ourselves.

"What is the most embarrassing thing you ever did in high school?" I said. By this time my body was faced towards him. He laughed.

"You wouldn't believe me." He said.

"Try me."

"So this one time, I got super drunk and showed up to school in my birthday suit. I thought I was a pool party but I wasn't. You can just imagine what happened. Even after 3 weeks, I still had to run from the crowd of girls. I still have nightmares over it." He said shuddering. I laughed. Genuinely laughed holding onto my stomach. Cole joined me soon after he had finished complaining that it wasn't funny.

"Wow. You deserve an award for most embarrassing thing done in high school. Why were you even drinking in the morning?" I said laughing softly.

"I was trying to be cool." He said laughing, " what about you? Most embarrassing thing you done in school." I blushed lightly.

"Can we not talk about this?" I asked hiding my face. Cole propped himself up and looked at me.

"We are so talking about this." He said trying to mimic a girly voice. I laughed and bit my lip.

"Fine. I was doing my piece for the talent show and I missed a key, tripped over someone's feet and landed on my stomach with my ass shown to the judge. I was wearing Caillou underwear." I said hiding my face. Cole looked at me with a look like 'are you serious?' before laughing at me. I hit his arm twice pouting.

"Now who deserves the award." He said laughing. I glared at him before laughing as well. Cole pulled me towards him and I happily snuggled into him. I rested my head on his chest as he played in my hair. It was comforting.

He made me forget all the problems I had in that moment. He made me fell like it was only is in the world or even in the universe. Cole was the eye to my storm and somehow, even though it was comforting, it made me afraid. Because one day I would have to leave this city. I have to keep running.

One day, I would have to leave him. And I was scared for his life. Cause if they found me, they would find him. I needed to put distance between us. For his sake if not for my own. I sighed mentally. As if he could sense what I was thinking, Cole's grip became tighter as if telling me not to let him go. After staying like that for some time, we decided it was best to go home. The sun was close to peaking into in sky folds.

Cole dropped me home and we said goodnight. I watched as he dashed down the streets in the racing bike. I smiled. Suddenly I felt uneasy. I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked around to try and find someone. But the streets were as empty as could be. I shook my head and decided that maybe my mind was being paranoid. I walked up to my apartment and locked the door. I felt it again. Eyes watching my every move. I shook of the erie feeling and climbed into bed.

Maybe I was being paranoid.

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now