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I woke up to the feeling of an empty bed. This was the usual. The only difference was I was not at my own home. I groaned and rubbed my eyes scanning my surrounding area. The room was painted in a light pastel blue. It was your average boys room expect it was tidy. Books lined the shelves and cds lay still on the last shelve. I rubbed my head trying to remember what happened. Cole walked into the room and everything that happened came rushing at once. I groaned again.

"Finally awake I see." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting upright on the bed.

"After 1. I thought you were tired so I made you rest. I brought food." He said handing me the tray he had brought in. I smiled taking the cup of coffee sipping it slowly. The caffeine doing it's job to keep me awake. My eyes roamed around until it was focused on one picture. It was of a younger and older Cole. Cole's eyes followed mine. He visibly cringed.

"Who's that?" I ask. His eyes that reminded me of the storm had now taken the form of thunder clouds.

"My brother and I. He died 5 years ago. Leukemia." He said. I nodded but decided to drop the topic. He didn't seem like it was a topic he was willing to discuss with me. "What's up with the dyed hair?" He asked.

Shit! I had forgotten that my hair was dyed black just so I wouldn't blow my cover. I couldn't dye it back until I got back home. My mind made up several excuses.

"I felt for a change but I don't think it suits me." I said drinking the coffee.

"Mhm." He said not totally convinced by my answer. I sighed mentally. I hoped he wouldn't ask too much questions. For the past 2-3 years, I have been cautious. Why did I have to slip up now? "What happened last night?" He asked.

Damn it Cole! Stop asking so much bloody questions. Knowing too much can get you killed. I sighed and placed my cup down.

"Nothing." I said taking a bite of the pancakes I was given.

"Nothing?" He asked and I nodded, "So why does your clothes reek of gasoline?" I groaned frustrated. Did you not get the hint? Back off!

"I was burning some stuff last night. So I used gasoline." I said eating and have him a warning glare.

"Austin are you involved in something dangerous?" He questioned.

"Jesus Christ Cole! Lay off! You have no idea what you're getting yourself in so just leave it."

"I can't just leave it! I can't help you if you don't talk to me!"

"Help me? What are you gonna do? All your fucking life you've been sheltered! You barely know me! So just stay out of my problems. There mine for a reason!" By this time we both were standing to face each other and our voices were raised.

"So why the fuck are you here?! If I can't help you, why are you here!"

"It was obviously a mistake to come here." I said lowering my voice and shook my head, "I'll just leave. Thanks for letting me stay here last night."

I grabbed my sweater from off the ground and dragged it over my head. I grabbed my keys that rest on the night stand and dragged on my shoes. Cole remained quiet. His eyes fixated on me. I scoffed as I looked back at him and left the house. I hoped in the car and drove home.

Why couldn't he understand that I was trying to protect him? Why couldn't he just drop the topic? We barely knew each other. Some hookup he was. I sighed and parked the car heading upstairs to my apartment. I opened the door and entered closing it behind me. I collapsed on my couch.

What was the reason I was at his house? My feelings overwhelmed me last night and I typed his home address instead of my own. Why? Why him? I placed my forearm over my eyes. I didn't have a right to blow up on him. I know that. But how could he understand the level of danger he was in it he knew the truth? How? His whole life he was sheltered as could be. He didn't go through anything like I did. The only lost I knew off that he had was his brother.

He couldn't understand my life and how I struggled to survive. I sighed turning my head to the side. I groaned and got up. I quickly showered grabbing a baggy shirt and a baggy pants. I quickly slipped them on and sat on the couch with my feet folded. I turned the TV unto the news. The news broadcast coming on. The camera was in front of a burning motel room.

"The body of two males were found in this burnt motel room. This is said to be the Blue Town's arsonist third and fourth victims. Their names are

Michael Angelo Thomas and his twin brother Marcus Nathan Thomas.

Both boys were reported missing on the night of August 9, 2016. The arsonist once again left no trace and the police are still searching for him. I'm Julia Silvia and your watching 123News."

I turned the TV off. The plan was in action. I just needed Dino to take the bait. It was never easy to leave the game. Once Dino decided that you were his, it was set. The only way out was death, or in the twins case, fake death and stay hidden. The next step was to destroy his assets. I was tired of running and I was beginning to feel the real level of exhaustion that constantly looking over my shoulder was costing me. So in order to be truly free, I had to get rid of the boulder attached to my heel.

My mind ran to thoughts of Cole. I sighed. I was probably being a jackass. I took up my phone hesitating over the dial pad. Against my better judgement, I called him up. The phone rang but no one amswered. I sighed. He was probably too pissed off at me. The things I do to keep people safe. I threw my phone on the table and walked towards the window.

I withdrew a cigar from the small table next to the window and lit it. I opened the window and sat on the edge looking out. I pulled the cigar from my lips releasing the smoke that gathered in my mouth slowly. I closed my eyes wanting to forget all my problems. I didn't want to think. My eyes shot open as I looked through the window.

I felt eyes watching me again. That was never a good sign. My eyes scanned the area before landing on a petit figure. They wore a black hat that fell directly before their eyes. They blended into the darkness of the night.The person smirked as to taunt me before a bus drove in front of my view and just like that they vanished. I looked around for anywhere I could find the figure. I tried to calm down my beating heartbeat. Maybe I was being paranoid. Maybe I was being reasonable. Either way, something did not sit right with me.

I only knew one reason why I was feeling like this. I was being followed. But how? I was cautious. No one knew me. The only person who could come close to finding me was.....

I difused the cigarette and closed my window before climbing into bed. It was impossible. She would never do that to me. Thoughts of Cole clouding my mind allowing me to drift to sleep.

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя