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I wrapped my legs around Cole. His arm secured them in place. He didn't have work today and my exams were coming to an end. Times like these made me glad when we could just relax. I scrolled aimlessly through my phone. I was trying to come up with ways to initiate the conversation about my past. What was I supposed to say?

Hey Cole. So there is something I should have told you but didn't want to tell you. Haha. My name isn't Austin. And I have a terrible past that I have to be running from.

I groaned internally. I was definitely not ready for this conversation at all. My stomach grumbling. I groaned as Cole chuckled.

"It's time to feed you babe." Cole said as he pecked my lips.

"I can think of a million ways to feed me." J mumbled. Cole flicked my nose making me groan.

"I meant actual food you sex craved addict."

"I am talking about actual food." I said winking. Cole groaned before walking to the kitchen. I laughed and followed after him.

I was dressed in a Cole's black shirt and my underwear. His shirt stop right at my knees. His 6'5 broad figure was enough to make me aware that I was small. I wrapped my hands around his waist. He turned around and kissed me on my forehead.

"Have you decided what you will prepare?" I asked him. He groaned.

"You know I'm shit at cooking. Will you help me?" He asked. I chuckled.

"How do you feel about lasagna?" I asked.

"I say let's do it."

I chuckled and unwrapped myself from Cole heading to wash my hands.

I gave Cole the pasta to wash while I chopped up the beef. I felt like beef lasagna. Soon we were busy cooking. I placed the complied lasagna in the oven and set the timer.

"Done." I said taking off my oven mittens. Cole smiled before placing his lips on mine. I moaned and wrapped my hands around his neck. Cole hoisted me up and placed me on the counter. Cole stood between my legs and placed kisses along my jawline and collarbone sucking harshly a few times to leave a mark. I moaned tilting my neck to give him better access.

I didn't like this teasing. I pushed my hips forward to create some friction between us. Cole gripped my thighs before he was kneeling before me.

"What are y-" I started but the words left my mouth as his lips kissed my bulge. I bit my lip trying to control my moans. In one swift motion, my underwear was removed leaving me in just his shirt. Cole kissed my thigh up to my throbbing cock. I groaned as his lips wrapped around my cock.

Cole bobbed his head up and down my shaft while his tongue guided over the tip. My eyes rolled back from the level of pleasure I received. My fingers wrapped in his hair and slightly guided his head. He let go off me with a pop before using his tongue to circle around my base and balls. I arched feeling close to my climax. He placed my cock in his mouth and started going again. He went faster this time.

"Cole! Shit. I'm gonna c-" I yelled as my body released my load unable to contain it any longer.

Cole swallowed everything before using his tongue to clean up the remainder that dripped from my tip. I shuddered lightly. He got up and looked at me. The timer dinged snapping me out of my high state. Cole chuckled.

"Saved by the bell." He said. His voice coming off in waves. A silent moan escaped my lips. It was obvious I was still coming down from the level of pleasure I received. Cole kissed my lips. "Why don't you wash up while I share our food?" I nodded.

"Are we having movie night?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll put on the popcorn and if you're still hungry after we have your delicious lasagna, then we can have pizza."

I nodded as he pecked my lips once again. I headed up to his room. I gripped the edge of the table trying to steady my breathing. I was still feeling Cole's lips on my body. I groaned and showered quickly throwing on another one of Cole's shirt and underwear with a basketball shorts.

I went downstairs and turned on the television. I changed it to Netflix and decided on the series "Good Girl". Seconds later Cole walked in with two plates. He placed them on the table and went to the kitchen and came back with the popcorn. I went to his fridge and grabbed two cans of sodas.

I sat down and Cole pulled me into his lap. I blushed hiding my face in his shirt. His hands slipped under my shirt and traced mindless circles on my skin. This was gentle and much needed for both of us. The two of us just started to date a week ago and right now, we both loved each other's company.  That's all we needed. I snuggled into Cole further.

We ate and watched the show only giving each other a few kisses in between. I clutched my chest trying to calm down my breathing. I was trying to build the courage to tell Cole but everything I opened my mouth, the words wouldn't fall and I would start to panic. This wasn't supposed to be hard. It was easy to just say what I want to say but right now, it seemed so difficult to even utter a syllable.


His phone rang. He looked down at it before frowning.

"I'll be right back." He said. I nodded not being able to say anything else. I got off his lap as he answered the call and moved to the kitchen.

I played with my fingers aimlessly. Maybe it was best I didn't say anything. Dino wasn't going to catch me. I could just forget about him. I slapped myself. I was being ridiculous. Dino was still searching for me. I knew he was. After all, I was priceless to him. I was his favourite. And Dino's favourite never escaped his clutches. It would have made sense to pack my belongings and leave the country but I couldn't put Hazel through that again. I couldn't go through that again. I was tired of running. I just wanted it to end.

I accepted my fate along time ago. But I never thought I would find Cole that made me change my perspective of things. I was ready to die and give up the chase. I was willing to go back to Dino and accept his punishment before resuming work. I was willing to leave everyone even Hazel behind just so they were safe. But with Cole, he made me want to be free. To make my own choices and love who I want to love. He made me want to place my faith in him whenever I doubted him. With Cole, I could be free. Free to love.

Love. That word, I hated it. I despised it. That word brought me so much pain and suffering. But with Cole, I was fighting a losing battle. He wasn't trying to climb my fortress. He was knocking it down. Around him, everything made sense and everything was okay. That word I hated, he made me love it. He showed me time and time and time again that he wanted me. That he wanted to be there for me. Over and over again I would push him away and over and over again he would pop back up in my life. I smiled softly. Cole was there for me through everything.

When I needed someone to just be there, he was. He showed up at my graduation, my job, my adventures with the twins. He was there through it all. The only other person who has ever been there for me like that was Hazel. But she isn't the first person that comes to mind for comfort. It's him. Cole came back to the room and sighed before sitting down and wrapping his arms around me.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. He seemed worried and stressed.

"It's okay. As long as you're here, everything is okay." He said but his voice getting quieter as he spoke.

I knew that tone so I dropped it. I grasped his hand and intertwined our fingers. He smiled at me before kissing my head, his lips lingering for a moment. Times like these I knew all he needed was someone to hold. And for him, I was happy to be that person.

I was happy to be his rock.


Semi mild scene in this chapter. Hope y'all like it. Bare in mind, I'm a girl so writing gay sex is really hard for me since I have no experience in the area. Obviously😂😂. So it's all my imagination. Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter.

If you did,

And share!!!


His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن