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School ended before I knew it. I sighed and packed up my book and headed towards my locker. I switched out my books and closed my locker. I sighed heavily.

"Oh my god! He's totally looking this way!" A girl from behind me squealed. I rolled my eyes. Probably just a crush. I took up my bag and turned around to come face to face with Samuel. I stepped back as a reflex.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" I said softly but it was probably loud as everyone has their eyes on us and it was drop dead silent. Samuel chuckled and ran his hands through his hair. I could tell you I positively heard all the girls swoon.

"I feel like a fool. I didn't know what time your school ended so I kinda just got here but I didn't see you and I started-" he began. I placed my finger at his lip as to signal for him to shut up. He looked down at me.

"School just ended Sam. I just had to get my books." I said chuckling. He bit his lip nervously as a blush formed on his cheek. Samuel was dressed in a black shirt that hugged his body and a black fitted pants. His brunette hair sat messily on top of his head. The kind of messy that I found sexy. His eyes watching me. I bit my lip as to try keeping all these thoughts from out of my head. It wasn't working.

"Let me help you with those." He said reaching for the books that were in my hand. I smiled at him but allowed him to take them. They were heavy after all. He smiled at me. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. We began walking down the halls, people staring at us.

"Why do all the sexy ones have to be gay?" A girl groaned. I smiled to myself.

"Austin!" A voice screamed. Samuel and I turned to face the voice. I rolled my eyes. "Who the fuck is that?"

"We aren't together Jason. I don't need to tell you bullshit." I yelled.

"Bullshit!" He yelled. If we didn't have everyone's attention before, we certainly did now. I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off! Go fix whatever problems you have with Dexter and fuck off." I yelled.

"I still want you." He said softly.

"You should have thought of that before you decided to be buddy buddy with him," I spat and the proceeded to massaging my temples and trying to calm down. "Just let me be Jason. We're done. There is no more us, okay? Be happy. Just let me be. Please?"

Samuel put his arms around me and I sighed before turning my back and walking out of school. Leaving behind a broken Jason. I hopped inside Samuel's car and sighed. I hated how we left things. Samuel soon followed after. He started the car.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I said softly as I felt the growing headache starting. Samuel looked at me.

"How about we head to a cafe and talk it out?" He asked and I nodded. That was something I definitely needed. Samuel smiled and drive us towards our destination. The silence in the car was almost suffocating yet relaxing. So I did what any normal human would do, I relaxed.

A few minutes later Samuel pulled into the parking lot of "Little Village Café". I smiled as he parked the car. I haven't been here in ages. I stepped out the car and walked in with Samuel, holding onto the sleeve of his shirt. The cafe wasn't exactly small and sometimes crowds scared me. The waitress led him to a small booth. I sat quickly.

"What do you want?" Samuel asked me as the waitress stood clearly annoyed by the fact that I had zoned out. I bit my lip nervously.

"I'll have a large chocolate milkshake. Whipped cream topping as well as strawberries. Um, and a chicken salad." I said. The waitress nodded writing down my order and left. Samuel's gaze was now fixated on me. I shifted uncomfortably.

"So......care to tell me who that guy was?" He asked.

"My boyfriend, well ex." I sighed as Samuel gazed didn't leave my face.

"How did that happen?" He asked.

"Cheated. Nothing new. It's the same guy every time. So I should have expected something to be going on right? Yea, well foolish me didn't think a thing. I asked him about it and it was the same thing over and over again. It was just a mistake!" I said as the waitress placed our food before us. I started on my milkshake.

"Something tells me that it isn't the fact that he cheated that made you leave." He said. I looked up at him with the straw still in my mouth. I put down my milkshake.

"Yea. When we talked about it, he admitted that he was in love with Dexter. Gosh! I was so stupid. According to him, he didn't know what he was feeling before. But if that was the case, why not tell me? Why keep me in the dark?" I sighed as I felt a tear roll down my face, "I want to hate him. I really do. But I can't. It's like I hate him but I still love him, you know? You probably don't know what I'm saying."

"I understand. It's like you want to be there for them but you can't because their selfish but you don't mind it but at the same time you do? Yea, I know that feeling."

I sighed as I began to finish my milkshake. At least I wasn't the only person who experienced heart break.

"Well, there is no more us as it concerns me and him. I'm officially single." I said smiling a bit.

"I guess that means I can have my chance?" Samuel smiled.

"Dude, I just got out of a relationship. I'm so not ready for another." I said as Samuel face fell, "but I'll keep you in mind."

Samuel's face lit up and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe I actually could be happy.

"So when you said you'll keep me in mind, does that mean that I get to kiss you?" He asked. I laughed as a small pout formed on his lips. I bit my lip slightly.

"I'll think about it." I said. Samuel smiled at me. We finished our food and headed back towards my apartment. Not long after, we reached my building. I slid out of Samuel's car. I walked towards my building. Samuel grabbed my hand and pulled me flush against him. I looked up to the man whose body towered over me. But then again, who didn't?

"Sam, I need to get ready. I have work." I said to him trying to pull away from him but he wasn't having that. He frowned.

"What kind of work do you do?" He asked kissing my head.

"I'm a bartender. And if you don't let go, I'm gonna be late." I said pouting. Samuel leaned down as his head was touching mine. I breath hitched.

"I know you said you will think about it, but I really want to kiss you right now." He whispered. I gently eased him back. It didn't feel right kissing him when I just got out of a relationship. "But I won't. I'll give you time."

I began to think. Maybe it wasn't the fact that I just got out of a relationship but maybe because I didn't feel a connection to him. He was surely good looking. But something was missing. And I didn't know what it was. I smiled at him as Samuel hugged me. I stepped back before collecting my things, waving goodbye and went to my house. I threw down my things. Dragging out my phone, I looked at the time.


I still have sometime before I have to get going. I set my alarm and walked to my bedroom. I collapsed on my bed wanting to forget this whole day. My eyes closed involuntarily and before I knew it, I was out cold.

His Broken Angel (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now