Chapter 11

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Roman POV
Was I angry Logan had ditched Patton and I? Yes. Was I going to vent to some of my other friends about it later? Probably. But I had to push all that down when I was with Patton.

"What if he is not okay?! Should we go and look for him?" Patton fretted.

"I'm sure he is fine." I answer as we make our way down the crowded hallways. I had always had more fun with my friends. When I was with them, I didn't think about my parents. And now you are thinking about them. Great job! I think sarcastically. I shove the slightly depressing thoughts aside as we enter the cafeteria.

I immediately look to our table and see Logan is there, which I can tell Patton spotted because he visibly relaxed, but he is also with the other kid we saw. I go ahead of Patton, clearing a small path in the crowd.

"Lo-Lo!" Patton squeals when we get there. Logan is taken slightly aback by this.

"Hello Patton?"

"I thought you were hurt! You didn't come to gym," Patton explained as we started sitting down. I listened to the conversation quietly.

"Oh no, I am sorry about that Patton. I am adequate and have gotten a pass from the nurse about the skipping." Logan stated.

"Wait, so are you or are you not hurt?" I asked. "You mentioned a pass from the nurse,"

"I am not hurt, but a friend of mine had to go to the nurse." Logan expanded. "Speaking of, this is my friend Remy they/them. They are not the same person who had to go to the nurse though."

"Hey babes," The 'Remy' person stuck out a hand, the one that wasn't holding a Starbucks drink. I shook his hand tentatively, and Patton shook it vigorously. We all introduced ourselves then sat down in our respective seats.

"So, care to tell us who this other friend is and why they are in the nurses office?" I asked. Logan looked at Remy who shook his head slightly.

"That is for them to say, so I cannot tell you." Logan finally responded. I glared slightly while Patton looked confused.

"Why wouldn't they want people to know. Then people could be there to help them!" Patton asked.

"Some people don't want their personal information broadcasted so that everyone in the world can know it. Even if they know they could get help that way, the are either uncomfortable with it or know it will bring more harm then help." Remy almost hissed. I was about to respond when someone came into the lunch room.

Blank (A Sanders Side AU) DISCONTINUED IM SO SORRYWhere stories live. Discover now