Chapter 2

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Logan POV
I walked outside. Patton and I only lived a few blocks away from school, so we walked in the morning. I put my book away and crossed the street. Patton had started rambling to me, mostly about what their powers could be. I tuned him out and focused on the path to school.

I love Patton, but the younger twin was a lot more talkative and emotional than me, and it was tiring. Yes, I am older. Only by 3.6 minutes, but in maturity Patton and I are years apart. Patton was also much more popular than me, not that I cared much. I was regarded as a "geek" and a "nerd", while Patton was loved because he loved everyone. It makes sense, because I would rather read than talk.

As we got to school, Patton walked off to join his friends. I went towards my first class, even though is started in 30 minutes. I liked being early, plus now I could read and get the homework for the next week done. As I was working, I noticed a kid walk in about 10 minutes after me. The kid had a black hoodie with purple patches and his headphones on. I noticed he had a small limp, and I began wondering what had happened.

20 minutes later, once the rest of the class came in, the lecture started. I listened intensely, taking notes the whole time. He heard a few people whisper "nerd" to me, but I ignored it. It's not like they were original with their insults.

The next two classes went normally. I had 4th period with Patton, and we would leave during it and come back with our powers, hypothetically. Patton and I were called to leave early, and we walked down to the front entrance. Patton walked out first. Well, walking was not the right word. He more sprinted out and into Fathers car. I followed, much slower, but I was getting excited.

Once we got home, we talked with our family for about 15 minutes. Suddenly, I was bathed in a dark blue light. Almost as fast as it started, it ended. My parents looked confused. I was wondering why, but shrugged it off.

"YOU GOT YOUR TATTOO!" Patton said excitedly. "WHAT IS IT?!?" He asked, running over. I looked at my wrist, but before I could register what it depicted, I gasped. The color. Patton saw. "I-It's.. blue?!" He gasped. I looked over at him. He backed up away from me a little, and that hurt.

Once he was a few steps away, he was bathed in a light. It only lasted for a millisecond, like mine. But the color around him was light blue.

He immediately looked at his wrist. "Mine is blue too." He said. The color drained from our parents faces.

"The prophecy..." I whispered.

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