Chapter 3

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I sighed as I walked down the stairs. I thought getting my tattoo and powers would make my parents notice me. And they had... for about three days. I am even part of the prophecy! And they just didn't care!

I walked outside and towards the bus stop. The only good thing about my tattoo was I got even more popular. Now everyone liked me, well most everyone. I notice some people scoff at me. Mostly because I am rich, but it's their fault. I could help them out if they needed it.

I looked out the window, contemplating my role at school. I saw someone sit next to me. My friend Emile.

"Hey Emile," I commented.

"Hey Ro, figure out your power yet?" I shook my head. My tattoo was a dotted line in the outline of a ghost. I still couldn't figure out what it meant, as it seemed pretty cryptic. Emile tried to help, but his power was being able to sense peoples emotions, and that didn't help figure my powers out.

"Can we just... talk about something else?" I asked. Emile nodded and started talking about what he was going to do over summer.

Once they got to school, Emile and I made our way to our friends in the courtyard. I noticed Patton and walked over to him, and he looked shaken.

"Pat? You good?" I asked. Patton jumped a little before smiling.

"Yep everything is fine!"

"We both know your lying. Is it your tattoo?" I asked. I knew Patton and his twins birthday was yesterday. Patton nodded. "What's your tattoo?" I asked. Patton held it out. It was a blue jays wing, which wasn't super surprising, but the color.

"Pat! We are in the prophecy!" I said excitedly. I held out my wrist to show Pat my red tattoo.

"Really?! That means three of the four are found!" Pattons said as his real smile returned.

"Three?" I asked in confusion.

"I am one as well," I jumped as Pattons twin walked over.

"Were you listening to us?" I asked, eyes narrowed. Logan shrugged.

"Not really, just walking by when Patton said that." Logan showed us his wrist.

"Uhhh, whats that?" I asked.

"It is a neuron, the thing in your brain that sends signals like thoughts." Logan explained when I gave him a confused look.

"But who's the fourth person?" Patton wondered. We theorized about it for a while, until class started. We all shared a homeroom and decided to sit near each other. We decided to leave the theorizing for another time.

Blank (A Sanders Side AU) DISCONTINUED IM SO SORRYWhere stories live. Discover now