Chapter 8

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Virgil POV
"M-my power?" I asked, fear building up inside me. I felt my hands start to sweat a little. They didn't know.

"Yeah, your power. I can turn invisible." Roman stated, matter-of-factly.

"I believe he already knows our powers, we did just have to do that frivolous display in front of the school." Logan pointed out, sounding sour. My mind was still racing. What do I say?! Should I lie? But they will still ask questions! I can't tell them the truth or they will laugh at me! I thought, debating with myself.

"Frivolous?! It was amazing!" Roman countered. I was silently thankful they were arguing. It let me have some time to gather my thoughts. And my lie.

"My power is... um... telekinesis. But only with foods." I made up. That seemed to satisfy them. Well, two of them. Logan seemed suspicious but didn't press. The bell rang and I rushed out, grateful to get away from those three. I walked to my next class, history. I sat in the back corner of the room.

I watched as students trickled in. My head shot up when I noticed a familiar face. Logan. Luckily, Logan didn't notice me, as he sat in the front row.

"Sup babes!" Remy sat down next to me. I turned to him and smiled a little.

"Hey Rem." I responded. "Wonder what project we are getting today." Remy shrugged. I turned my attention to where the teacher had started class. Once the teacher explained the topic, I inwardly groaned.

"This week we will work ok the history of tattoos." They explained. Most people were excited for it meant they could use their powers a little. "And this will be a three partner project. I have already assigned the groups. First though, I think we should have everyone announce their name and power, just so everyone knows who their partner is!"

I froze. Could the day get any worse? And now Logan would also know I was lying about my power. My thoughts started to blur together as I worried. I didn't notice as people started saying their name and power. I snapped back to reality when Logan stood up.

"I am Logan, and I can read minds." He said simply, sitting back down. For some reason I couldn't tear his eyes off of him. That is, until Remy tapped my shoulder.

"It's your turn. What are you gonna say?" He whispered. I shrugged desperately and slowly stood up.

"H-hi. I'm Virgil and my power is..." I trailed off. My anxiety kicked in. I was about to say something, but someone beat me to it.

"He's the BLANK!"

Blank (A Sanders Side AU) DISCONTINUED IM SO SORRYWhere stories live. Discover now