18) scared

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Jungkook POV

"J-jimin, I'm.. I don't know how.."

Jimins eyes widened and I saw how his frame started shaking.

"I don't know how to react to this.. you're worried about me leaving you alone aren't you?" I said, looking at him.

"Y-you.. what?" Jimin answered looking very confused

"Of course I'm going to college.. but why were you stressing about that? Even if I didn't go, that wouldn't separate us." I put my hand over his shoulder.

"But I could lose you.." Jimin said taking deep breathes.

"I highly doubt that, not even a really good porn could take me away from you." I said chuckling

"Jungkook!" He slapped my chest playfully

"Ah! My heart! It go bye bye now!" I joked, clutching my hand to my chest.

"Go take care of yourself loser." Jimin stood back, crossing his arms

"Nah but for real babes, don't stress.. I'm not leaving you." I pecked his lips and smiled.

"You better not.."

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