14) idiots

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Jungkook POV

My cheeks turned red as I froze, turning to Jimin who was holding my arm. He seemed to notice how the inner conflict inside me was greatly stressful, I mean one of the schools biggest playboys is now gay and in a relationship with the new boy? What the hell?

"Damn right ladies! You hear that? This boy is mine." Jimin said proudly while holding me closer. "All mine." He finished with a smirk.

"J-Jimin..?" I stuttered out, completely shocked at the sudden change in confidence from the normally peaceful and moderate boy. Not going to lie, if this was in any other situation.. I would of been turned on.

"Hmm? Should we be going then?" Jimin turned to me, not a worry in his eyes. "I umm, yeah." I said still not comprehending what just happened.

"Great! Can we get ice cream on the way?" He said, slightly skipping up and down. I simply nodded before leaving the schools gates watching the jolly boy next to me unbothered by the masses glaring holes into his, or rather our backs.

We made it to an ice cream shop and ordered for ourselves, I got mint chocolate and Jimin got himself chocolate before going a diatribe about how mint chocolate is the equivalent of satan spawn, I just laughed at him being so invested in ice cream flavors. He really is a special boy..

"Kook?" I faced him to see concerned eyes gazing at me, "Kook-ah what are we going to tell our parents?" He started.
I looked away, unsure of how to even start that conversation with our parents.
"Because they'll get mad."
"What if they don't approve?"
"What if we get beaten?"
"Kook what if we get kicked out?!"
"Im not stable enough for living on the streets.. I can't do that."

I wouldn't stop, he kept blurting our worry after worry even if there is no solid backing to them. To be honest, I wasn't too stressed, I'm staying with Jimin regardless of my parents opinion, he is mine.

"Jungkook are you even listening?!"
"We could get kicked out-"

I did the only thing I could think of doing to shut him up..

I kissed him.
I kissed my brother.

Jimin POV

His lips,
They're so soft.

They're so..
They're on my lips..

Jungkook is kissing me, my brother, my boyfriend is kissing me.

The bliss I feel in this moment took all my worries right away.

There's a war happening? I'm sheltered.

There's a virus? I'm cured.

There's a rainstorm? I'm warm and cozy.

I was home with him, even if I lost my actual home, I had one within him, and with him I felt safe, and wanted.

The kiss broke up, and we looked at eachother before Jungkook jumped up, eyes wide, mouth open before yelling, "JIMIN! WE ARE IDIOTS!"

I took a step back, confused as to what he was calling idiotic. Was it us kissing that was idiotic? Us being together? Us getting ice cream? He needs to be specific, because I'm starting to freak out. Did I get emotionally attached to somebody who won't love me back?

I started shaking, my eyes moving from many objects to Jungkook's body before settling on his eyes. "Y-you don't like me?" I quietly said.

Jungkook's  face swung around so quickly I could of sworn he got whiplash. He ran to me crouching infront of me, holding me cheeks with his hands, "No no no baby, I do more than simply like you.. Chim I love you." He stated looking right into my eyes.

"You do?!" I gawked at him, surprised at his confidence. "Hmmmm I'm certain of it, what is there not to love about you?" He said pulling my hand so I stood up with him. "Kook I love you too, I love you so much, you're such an amazing person. Thank you for being with me." I said hugging him.

Time slowed down while we hugged, it seemed frozen.

"W-wait hold on.." I remembered.

"Why were you calling us idiots?"

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